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Hurry hurry come on!" Jungkook urgently exclaimed at Yoongi who was driving, feeling way too rushed, and just honestly was wishing he could take a nap.

"Geez chill! We are almost there!" Yoongi screamed back, turning the wheel, and drove onto the next street.

Jungkook sighed, and checked the time on his phone. "It's fucking five forty five! Gah we are too late!" Jungkook panicked.

"Gosh why have I been dragged into this?! No we aren't. Taehyung probably hasn't even let out the question." Yoongi tried to calm down the panicking bunny.

"He could any minute now!" Jungkook yelled, then he gasped. "I know! I'll call him." Jungkook did just that, he heard Taehyung's phone ring but he wouldn't answer. "Oh this mother fucker." Jungkook complained.

"Kook come on, please relax."

"Yoongi don't you see I love that piece of shit! I can't allow him to be in a relationship with someone else, bet you he doesn't even have a thing for her. Infact what if he's doing this cause he knows imma do something about it! He wants me to stop him!"

"Gosh why did I listen to you, I should've stayed home."

Once Jungkook noticed they reached the destination he pointed ahead. "Look! There! Park there!"

"I know where to park!" Yoongi went, and parked the car behind a row of already parked cars. Once the car was parked, and turned off Jungkook 's eyes skimmed through looking for Taehyung, and Jennie.

"You don't see them?" Yoongi asked, gripping on the leather wheel.

"No I don't what if -" Jungkook paused after finally spotting the two couple feet a away, sat on a bench surrounded by flowers. "There!" Jungkook yelled, and threw his seatbelt off, and got out of the car immediately. He began stomping towards them. Yoongi went, and was behind Jungkook following him.

Jungkook was ready, ready to snap at Taehyung, ready to just pull him by the hair, and demand they have a serious talk to hopefully fix their shit. So everything can go back to normal -

But then Jungkook stopped, and his eyes grew after seeing Taehyung, and Jennie start kissing.

Oh no.

"Oh no." Yoongi muttered, standing beside Jungkook.

"W-We're too late." Jungkook spoke, just watching the horrific scene happen. Watching how Taehyung had a firm grip on Jennie's waist. Just like he'd have Taehyung's hands on his.

Yoongi sighed, looking glum for Jungkook. "Hey, I'm sorry man." Yoongi went to comfort him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jungkook felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest, and stomped on by Taehyung as he laughed at his face. He's felt broken, just never this broken. The last argument they had tore him half apart, and now he feels fully torn apart.

He felt his eyes began to water at the thought that Taehyung really didn't want anything to do with him ever again.

"Whatever." Jungkook said after a few seconds. "Let's just go before they see us." Jungkook urged, and Yoongi nodded following behind him back to the car.

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