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"Aaand here's your drink." The wing sang, handing the bunny his cup of boba tea, and straw. Then slid into the booth, sitting across him.

"Ah thank you fine gentleman." Jungkook grinned taking the drink and poked his straw through the sealed plastic lid.

Jackson let a soft chuckle out and followed the same action. "Oh I know I'm fine." He smirked, giving a rub of his straw with his finger. "Thank you for reminding me."

Jungkook laughed tiny. "Gee you're welcome." He rolled his eyes and then drank from his straw, gulping down the soft liquid and hummed from the delicious taste.

Jackson smiled at the sight of the handsome cute guy he has across from him he can admire. He felt lucky to have such an opportunity, how he missed being close to the boy. Even if he was just used to make Taehyung jealous. Which hurt Jackson yes, but Jungkook has apologized. He wasn't gonna hold a grudge.

Then a thought crossed Jungkook's mind as he set his drink down, sucking his lips in. That he really should inform Taehyung where he is and who he is with. Even though he knows the guy will freak out on him. He still has a right to know. Better to just tell him right away so he won't freak out as much.. Jhopefully.

I'm awesome ik.

So Jungkook fished his phone out and quickly went to Taehyung's contact. He got to work typing the message.
However Jackson didn't like that he was on his phone. He rather have Jungkook pay attention to him. He knew just how to. By starting a conversation. "So hey.. "

And Jungkook stopped half way through typing and looked up, waving his hand. "Hey." He gave a warm impacted smile.

Jackson chuckled at the cute gesture. Man everything about that boy is fan girl and fan boy worthy. "Now that you're openly gay at school, have you thought about making a video, coming out to your subscribers?"
Jackson asked, then took sips from his drink.

Jungkook raised his brows, putting his phone down. Of course that idea has crossed his mind countless of times. He was glad to have been reminded about it. "Yeah of course I have." Jungkook answered. "Damn wonder how they're gonna take it."

"Awesome, fantastic, wonderful." Jackson listed with his fingers. "Every positive word you can think of."

Jungkook smiled at the chestnut haired,
with his eyes as well, and looked to the corner of his eye, feeling flattered. "Mm I hope so." He murmured taking another sip of his drink.

"You'll see, your viewers will be shocked in a good way. But the Internet is the Internet so you'll even get some back lash from no life haters." Jackson stated. "Which you Jeon Jeongguk should not let get to you."

"Trust me, I won't." Jungkook assured, kinda muffled as he was swirling a boba around his mouth, with his tongue then bit down on the boba.

And Jackson sighed dreamily, heart eyes glued on the handsome ebony haired. Elbow on the table, and chin rested upon his palm. "You know gguk, can I just say something crazy."

"I love crazy." Jungkook answered.

No they aren't gonna break into a song pft.

"One of the things I admire most about you." Jackson started, and tapped Jungkook's foot with his. "Is that you don't take shit from nobody. You have something to say you say it. I envy you, and wish I had that much confidence. I don't know, ever since I came out I lost my confidence. So I look up to you. Not only is your personality loveable, but also admirable. You're amazing. And after you upload that video, at least your real self is gonna be out there. Which is the best. You are the best Jeon Jeongguk."

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