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"Jimin! Hey wait up!" Jungkook yelled, running across the school parking lot to reach the shorter male who was at the end of it.

Jimin slowly turned to face him, and his voice came out irritated. "What? Go ahead, call the cops, tell them all about what I've been doing, let them raid my car, for all I care."

Jungkook blinked, putting his hands out reassuringly. "No, I can't do that. I'm sorry, I just.. didn't think you'd be capable of actually doing something like that."

Jimin sighed, scratching behind his head. "Yeah well surprise." Jimin let out an awkward laugh.

Jungkook frowned, feeling pity for the other. "Can't you just back out?"

"No, I'm doing it for my brother, he needs all the help he can get. Once you're in the drug selling business you can't back out, no matter how much you want to." Jimin explained, sad tone in his voice. "So there's nothing I can do."


A loud honk from a car horn cut off Jungkook. Both him, and Jimin turned to the direction towards it, and they saw Namjoon poking his head out from his car window.

"Jimin! Hurry you can't keep me waiting!"

"I-I'll see you at the party." Jimin waved at Jungkook before running towards Namjoon's car, and going in the passenger seat fast.

Jungkook just stood in place seeing the car drive off leaving the school area. He felt real bad for Jimin. Obviously the boy doesn't even enjoy selling drugs. Especially cause it's illegal, but as it seems, he's doing it for Namjoon.

Although he is aware he shouldn't get involved, still he felt bad. This is his friend Park Jimin, since 7th grade. Now he could get in big trouble with the police. In all honesty Jungkook would like to talk to Namjoon about all this. Perhaps one day..

One day.

"Kook!" Yoongi came in the parking lot, running, and reached Jungkook. "Hey where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked, panting.

"You just missed him. Left with his brother." Jungkook answered the disappointed other.

Yoongi caught his breath. "Really? Damn. I really wanted to talk to him, m-maybe if I call him he'll answer."

"Hey it's fine just chill-"

"No, I just really need to talk to him!" Yoongi exclaimed desperately, and pulled his phone out. "Let me just call him and hopefully he'll answer, he has to."

Jungkook then started to get a small message in all this. With Yoongi's very different behavior when it comes to Jimin. "Dude, Yoongi. Do you uh..have a thing for Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi looked up from his phone, looking puzzled. "N-No the fuck."

"Dude, don't lie."

"Shut up, y-you're the liar."


"Gah, I-I'm leaving." Yoongi turned to leave, but Jungkook stopped him from doing that only by just spitting out the words.

"You're gay."

Yoongi faced him again, slight glare in his eyes. "What the fuck did you just say."

"I said you're gay Yoongi, and you like Jimin, you have eyes only for him, but you're too afraid of coming out to him. Since he hates gays."

Yoongi became enraged, ready to hit someone specifically Jungkook. And the said boy was aware of it but didn't let that bother him, infact he just kept talking.

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