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"Bro did something happen with you, and Taehyung?"

Jungkook quickly whipped his head towards Jimin, and had a 'bitch what the fuck?' look on his face. "Why would you think that?"

Jimin tore his eyes off the hallway they were strolling on, with other students also occupying the hall, to look at Jungkook. "Dude, Taehyung dragged you off the damn field, to the gym lockers then you were on the floor. And he wasn't there anymore. Like why."

In Jungkook's mind he answered with-

"Well you see Park Jimin reason I was on the floor was because Taehyung was holding me up against the lockers, while we were making out and then he dropped me on my ass once he heard you and the other guys enter and ran off like a pussy to the showers to make it seem like he didn't mouth fuck my mouth."

Obviously Jungkook couldn't say that.

Jungkook panicked mentally. He had to come up with a lie, and right there, right now. Before Jimin would get more suspicious.

Jungkook had to say anything just anything random-

"We smoked weed."

Jimin flinched back from such an answer, eyes-wide. "You two did what?"

"Yeah Jimin look." Jungkook sighed dramatically, putting his hand on the shoulder of the shorter boy. "This is what happened.."


"Look bro what I got right here!" Taehyung held up a bag of  crushed up weed that he pulled out of nowhere.

Jungkook gasped at the sight. "Hell yes you dumb fuck that's why you dragged me off the field bro! To get high with me!"

"Duh you know you're my smoking buddy bro!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Man sometimes I think I'm gay for you bro."

Jungkook gasped yet again. "But what about Jimin?! We didn't invite him to get high with us."

"Nah forget that idiot, remember it's Tae, and Kook bro!"

"Um dude I've already told you it's actually kook and tae."

"Oh shit You're totally right. Sorry Y'know I'm a dumb fuck kook.

"Exactly." Jungkook smiled, and pulled out a blunt. "Now let's get fuckin high."

"Ooh we should sit on the floor though." Taehyung suggested. "Cause we gotta be comfortable y'know?"

"You right you right, gosh why you so smart bro?" Jungkook sat down on the floor, back against the lockers.

"Me? No I'm just a stupid piece of shit, you're the one who is so smart. In fact you're the smartest in the whole school."

The gym locker door was heard opening and Taehyung immediately stood up and ran like sonic speed to the gym showers.


"And so that's why I was on the floor." Jungkook says, finishing the very 'real' story.


Jimin looked so confused, and didn't look convinced at all. Something just didn't add up. "But, it didn't smell like weed when-"

"Jimin." Namjoon appeared, tugging the mentioned boy's arm. "Come with me."

"Can I come too?" Jungkook asked.

Both Namjoon, and Jimin looked at him, and at the same time said. "No." Then both walked towards an opposite direction

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