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The school watched as the Kim Taehyung was kissing the Jeon Jungkook passionately strong as he held his face in his hands,confidently showing everyone just who belongs to him.

All eyes set on them made Jungkook feel like he and Taehyung were the stars from a kdrama in the midst of their epic kissing scene. The fact that most in the crowd are homophobic and were witnessing this.

Felt so goddamn good.

A small satisfied moan escaped from Jungkook and he fluttered his eyelashes then closed his eyes, kissing back, matching Taehyung's passionate rhythm. Jungkook's arms locked around Taehyung's neck.
Taehyung lifted him up, hands under his thighs. They was just confidently making out infront of all the people who weren't even saying a thing cause seeing two boys actually kissing in the school was a shock, a huge one. It has never been seen happening in the school.

Taehyung broke the kiss and set Jungkook down. He gazed softly into Jungkook's wide doe-eyes as he kept blinking from surprise.

Jungkook had his mouth opened to speak, forming half the words but didn't let any out just some shaky breaths. He couldn't believe what just happened it was too good to be true. Felt like a whole dream he most certainly didn't wanna wake up from.

Taehyung gave him the fondest smile and then turned to the shocked audience. "Yeah go ahead be shocked! Stare all you want!" Taehyung shouted. "Y'all ain't ever seen two hot guys kissing right infront of your very own eyes huh."
Taehyung's lips tugged into a smirk really liking the attention set on him. A crowd had circled around him and Jungkook.

Yet Taehyung didn't feel a single pang of fear nah he was done hiding, tired of being the same ole pussy. It was time for him to speak up for himself.

His true self.

"I've been lying this whole time alright..I'm not straight." Taehyung sighed, rapid pace of his heart pounding in his ears, hands clammy. There was no going back he was in way too deep. "I'm gay, a full homo."

"Aye say sike right now." Mark lee let out.

Taehyung let out a breathy laugh shaking his head, it made his fluffy hair bounce then he turned to Hoseok. "Hobi catch this on video. And everyone else keep your phones away!"

Hoseok nodded with a grin. He took his phone out and went to the camera's video mode, holding his phone sideways to catch Taehyung perfectly in frame.

The principal all a sudden busted through a set of doors. "What is going on here?" But he got shushed to shut the hell up by students and even teachers. Thankfully.

Taehyung started once Hoseok gave a thumbs up to begin. "Listen up you can all talk shit all you want but that's not gonna just magically change who I am. I used to think I was born wrong, I was scared of my own sexuality, afraid of myself. But no not anymore." Taehyung exhaled deep, fighting back tears. "This is me! A gay 18 year old Korean boy from Daegu... with homophobic parents and society. But I'm not gonna let that stop me. I love myself and I'm proud of who I am."

"This is crazy." Hoseok whispered from amazment catching all this in video beside Jungkook. Jungkook could just cry hearing Taehyung, staring at the boy with sparkles glimmering in his eyes. He saw the boy as a real hero speaking up for people who felt they were not fit for the society.

Now that is proving he really loves Jungkook.

Taehyung huffed and continued. "Forget all that shit principal Kang said that one assembly. It's time to stop using the word gay as if it's some sort of horrible disease when it isn't!" Taehyung snapped. "It's perfectly natural. Being yourself is the best thing and most beautiful thing you could ever be. No one should tell you how you should or shouldn't identify yourself."

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