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Taehyung was so taken aback his phone almost slipped from out of his palm. His heart started racing faster than it already was. Eyes further open, and jaw dropped as he stared at the text messages that have made a match light up in his heart.

"Oh my god. Oh- oh my god!" Taehyung repeated in utter shock, then he pinched his skin on the wrist to see if this was a dream and he'd wake up. "Ow."

But nope this was really happening! Holy f- Taehyung had re-read the messages a couple more times, smiling as he did. This means Jungkook saw the video, and loved it! Taehyung found it unbelievable that Jungkook wants to see him now. Like right now. This gave Taehyung huge relief, it's just what he needed. The day just keeps getting better and better.

Taehyung has to go see the main owner of his heart.

Right. Fucking. Now.

Taehyung swiped his hair and took one glance at the rear view mirror. He saw his mom and brother going to the trunk of the car with their suitcases. Alarmed, he quickly rolled down the window, poked his head out, and said to them in a hurry. "Hey guys wait! I have to be somewhere!"

Jenwoo frowned, brows narrowed down. "What? Where to?"

"Sorry! I can't waste any more time, but I'll be back! I love you guys!" Taehyung exclaimed, then afterwards poked his head back in not bothered to hear his mom's reply. Seatbelt buckled in, he started up the car, and went on his way, driving down the road.

His mom, and Brother traded confused looks to eachother wondering about where da hell this boy goin. Why he was so quick to leave.

As Taehyung was driving he had a huge boxy smile drawn. It was so wide his face started aching. He even giggled excitedly to himself. He needed a tiny celebration so he turned up the radio, and danced and sang along to the song. (You guys can choose the song)

He was so happy, So excited, and ready to go to his Jungkook. He was going to finally have him back in his shield of arms. Gosh Taehyung wished he could just teleport over to Jungkook. Then Taehyung realized he's close to a flower shop.

Gotta surprise his flower with flowers.


Jungkook was on the edge of the couch, fumbling with the collar of his black shirt with long sleeves. He was concerned because Taehyung didn't reply to his text, just left him on read. Which he didn't think he'd do.

Jungkook raised off the furniture, and started pacing back and forth, letting his feet scrape on the carpet as he bit on his nail because of the nerves taking over his body. He was scared, and frantic questions ran through his mind.

Like what if he was too late?

What if Taehyung is already on his way to Daegu?

What if Taehyung read the message but chose to ignore him?

Shit so many possibilities that frighten Jungkook. He ran his hand through his hair, gripping the locks. Then he let go, hair falling back to its place. He debated if he should call him. He was so desperate to see him, to hear his voice atleast. He needed to know if he was really coming.

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