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After Taehyung had dragged Jungkook to the gym lockers, Taehyung shut the heavy door closed, then still gripping Jungkook's wrist, dragged the boy down the small hallway that leads to the lockers. He let go, and faced Jungkook with a look of irritation while Jungkook was filled with confusion. Taehyung wasn't saying a word. Jungkook doesn't know what was going on, and he felt that he should just to break the awkward silence.

"Uhm Taehyung what-"

"What was that?" Taehyung angrily blurted out, which made Jungkook's eyes big.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know."

"No actually-"

"Damn it Kook! Stop acting like a dumb ass!" Taehyung yelled, getting more irritated at the other.

Jungkook tksed, arms crossed. "Taehyung I don't understand why you're so upset with me, I don't get it."

Taehyung huffed, slight glare in his eyes. "What you did back there, wasn't necessary Jungkook."

Jungkook backed up a little bit. He couldn't believe the reason why Taehyung was upset with him. "What? Y-You mean I'm wrong for defending you?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, feeling more hurt than mad. "Taehyung I was just-"

"Just stop, no look I don't need you fighting my battles for me alright? I can handle my own fights." Taehyung responded, and Jungkook let out a small scoff.

"Really? Cause to me it looked like Jackson was gonna give you another black eye. Hell, if I hadn't said anything, you would've been at the nurse's office by now. Besides if you both ended up fighting each other, you both would've been kicked out of the team." Jungkook folded his arms. "In fact instead of scolding me, you should be thanking me."

"Just back off okay? keep that up, and people will think we're a couple or something and that's gross." Taehyung shot back. "So just stop."

"No i wont." Jungkook stated sternly. "Look i didn't mean to upset you. Come on, I'm your best friend, of course I'm going to defend you. I mean wouldn't you do the same? For me?" Jungkook let out, with glossy eyes.

Taehyung didn't respond, his face actually softened a bit as Jungkook continued. "Taehyung we're best friends, YouTube partners, and roommates! Have you forgotten? So no matter what I've got your back. Infact we should have each others. Because we're Tae and Kook." Jungkook explained. "Nothing is gonna change that. I'm always going to defend you."

After Jungkook finished his mini speech,Taehyung just stared at the boy almost like if he was in some sort of trance. It weirded Jungkook out, so he waved his hand in front of his face.

"Um Tae are you goo-"

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand, pulling him close, and smashed his lips against his, and began kissing him roughly.

Oh man holy shit.

Jungkook's eyes bulged right out in shock, but didn't hesitate to kiss back just as roughly, eyes closed shut. He didn't expect this at all but honestly didn't mind it. Their tongues intertwined, fighting for dominance as deep breathy moans slipped past their lips. Jungkook's arms found their way to Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung groaned, and quickly backed Jungkook up slamming him against the row of lockers, and lifted him up by his thighs, taking over the kiss.

Jungkook let out a moan, eyes still closed, scratching behind Taehyung's head, and sliding his hand down to his nape feeling Taehyung lick, and bite on his neck. He bit his own lip when Taehyung slipped his hand inside his shirt, rubbing at his abdomen.

Jungkook doesn't have a clue what's gotten over Taehyung but didn't want to stop him, he was actually liking what he was doing. He was curious just how far Taehyung was gonna take this.

Jungkook gasped feeling Taehyung began to grind his hips. "Oh shit." Jungkook moaned, sliding his hand down to Taehyung's waist, like if urging him to keep doing the action. "That feels so good."

Taehyung smirked and tugged at the hem of Jungkook's shirt, about to pull it off-

But then the gym locker doors opened and the crowd of boys were heard coming down the hallway to reach the lockers.

Hearing that alerted Taehyung and he immediately dropped Jungkook onto the floor landing hard on his ass. "Ow." Jungkook groaned.

Without even looking at the boy, Taehyung grabbed a towel from the towel rack, and ran to one of the showers, quickly turning the water on, as the other boys began to crowd the lockers.

Like if he didn't just make out with a boy.

Jungkook was sat on the floor still, with a blank face trying to process what had just happened with him and Taehyung.

He couldn't believe he just made out with his straight roommate.

He doesn't even know if he should use the word 'straight' anymore.

Wow what was going on.

Jimin saw Jungkook on the floor, and ran up to him. "Uh Kook you good?" Jimin asked, holding a hand out for the boy to take.

Jungkook hesitantly took his hand pulling himself up. "Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"Why were you on the floor?"

"Doesn't matter." Jungkook replied, with a roll of his eyes. Now he had a secret of his own to keep from Jimin. Just like Jimin had one.

Jimin wanted to question him some more but then Jackson came up to the two, with a devilish smirk. "I see how you back up your boyfriend Taehyung, aw how adorable." Jackson teased at Jungkook who instantly got raged by his words.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jungkook spat, and Jackson let out a fake gasp, clasping his chest with his hand. "Woah are you sure?"

Jungkook got right up to his face. "No shit! I'm not gay! You think I'd ever date a guy? That's gross."

Jackson just nodded along. "Hm, yeah agree that's gross."

"But I'd appreciate it if you left Taehyung alone." Jungkook said.

Jackson popped his tongue. "Yeahh in order for me to do that I'd need something in return." Jackson inched a little closer to Jungkook. "From you."

"Like what?" Jungkook furrowed his brows, backing up.

"Figure that out." Jackson said, and winked at Jungkook before leaving to the showers.

"The fuck was that about?" Jimin asked the startled Jungkook.

"I uh..don't know." Jungkook quickly replied with.

"Pft, whatever I don't want any part of this, i'm gonna go wash now." Jimin shrugged and went to go do as he said.

Judging by that wink, Jungkook may have an idea of what Jackson meant. Of what Jackson wants from him. Of what Jackson wants him to do..

He wants him to do his homework for him.

Duh like what else could he have meant...

Or Jackson could've just had something in his eye.

Jungkook decided to go with that last theory. Wow does he hope it's true.

There's just one thing Jungkook couldn't seem to shake off as he washed himself in the gym shower.

His last interaction with Taehyung.

He had to tell someone he just had to. He would be outing Taehyung out but still.

The only person Jungkook could tell, the one person who knows he's gay is Hoseok.

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