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"So you really" Taehyung gasped out, looking shocked. Looking like the world had just flipped upside-down. Or like if someone ate his leftover food from panda express he was saving for later.

Well don't this seem familiar...cough.

"I can't believe it." Jungkook also gasped out looking (acting) equally as shocked.

"Is it bad?" Hoseok sputtered out and waited for the answers from his two friends, feeling nervous but not actually.

Taekook exchanged looks before turning back to Hoseok.

"Pft! You kidding?" Taehyung let out, lips tugging into a grin. "I'm so glad you told us this. Of course it's not bad."

"Yeah!" Jungkook jumped in."Totally fine if you're into guys Hobi. You be you. No judgment here, thank you for telling us."

"Yeah amazing that you trust us enough to tell us this, mad respect." Taehyung flashed a thumbs up then lowered the volume of his voice. "Plus I'm gay too."

And Jungkook threw in also. "Yeah same here you ain't alone. Dicks are just the best. Well Taehyung's is." He mumbled that last part looking to the corner of his eye.

"Wow. Thanks you guys!" Hoseok flashed his bright smile at the two, giving off sparkles in his eyes. "That was so much better. Now imagine if y'all had said that the first time I came out." He crossed his arms.

Taehyung let out a small whistle. "Shit would've been so different."

"Definitely." Jungkook added. He thought about how there would have been less pain, less hurt, less heartaches. Stress had been leveled down.

"I'm glad we did a do over. It was needed." Hoseok says.

"Yeah." Taehyung leaned back on the locker. "I was such an asshole when you first came out, ugh fuck that guy I'd beat the shit out of him." Taehyung spat to his old homophobic self.

Jungkook put his hand on Taehyung's arm. "He's gone so that's all that matters."

"And he's never coming back." Taehyung added giving his boyfriend a soft smile and gaze. Then flicked his chin. A huge habit of Taehyung's.

"Hey I gotta go talk to my dance teacher, I'll see you guys." Hoseok said and then walked off into the sunset. No just kidding he walked further into the hallway.

"Well we still have." Jungkook took out his phone, checking the time plastered across his lock screen which was a silly selfie with Taehyung. "15 minutes till the bell-"

"Mmm Taco bell sounds so good right now." Taehyung randomly said.

"What do you wanna do?" Jungkook asked.

Now that made a smirk creep onto Taehyung with thirst eyes. "Oh you know what I wanna do, don't think I didn't hear what you mumbled earlier." He winked and Jungkook knew right away what he was hinting at.

Get a lil freaky action going.

Yoongi entered the school
putting his water bottle into the side pocket of his backpack. He then spotted the blonde Jimin on his phone walking infront of him, so he rushed up to be beside him. "Hey Jimin!"

Jimin looked to the side at Yoongi but didn't seem interested. "Hi."

"You're looking gorgeous as always, what's up?"

"Do you really think I'm in the mood to talk to you?" Jimin spat and walked faster to get away from the other.

Yoongi stopped in front of him. "No wait please stop being like this. Okay yes Hoseok and I are complete idiots for using you for a game."

STRAIGHT ROOMMATES | TAEKOOKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang