Tryouts: Aftermath

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Dylan's POV

"That's it! Tryouts are over!" We heard Bands's voice over the stadium. "If you're still here! Congratulations! You've been accepted into Spex's apprentice program!"

"It's over?" Declan said.

"I guess so." I said.

Both of us still had our flags, but I wondered if Lenny, Lee, and Braeden had made it in.

"Everyone who's still standing, please meet in the front lobby! Thanks!" Said Bands.

"Guys!" We heard Lenny's voice and saw him running over to us, a boy we'd never met before was with him.

I looked closely, and noticed that their flags were still on.

"It's Lenny!" Declan said. "And is that... Hector?"

"They must've teamed up." I said as we met up with them.

"Glad to see you still have your flags." Said Lenny.

"Likewise." Said Declan.

"What was with that big ass electric explosion? Tell me you guys saw that." Said Hector.

I didn't respond. It had to have been Braeden. I saw Lee run over in that direction... but I don't know what happened. There's no way Lee would've attacked Braeden, not with him only recently learning how to use his powers.

"It had to have been Braeden." Declan said, stealing the thoughts from my head.

"That's what I was thinking, let's go-" Lenny said, but we all froze when we turned around.

Lee was carrying Braeden in his arms, but Braeden was unconscious. His body was damaged, his forearms were bruised and there was a mark on the side of his face... but his flag was still attached.

"Lee couldn't have..." Declan started.

Chains then flew off of Lenny's fingers and he raisers them into the air, ready to bind Lee.

"Drop Braeden right there." He said.

"What? I didn't do this." Lee said.

"How are we supposed to know that? You were the one that told us not to help him when he was struggling." Lenny replied.

Declan's bone blades then shot out of his arms.

"Tell the truth Lee. Did you attack Braeden?" He asked.

Lee was silent.

"I knocked him out, but if I hadn't he would've-" Lee started.

"Put him down Lee." I told him as I made a fist. "I won't ask you again."

A look of frustration flashed in Lee's eyes.

"Don't piss me off again." He said to me.

"Is that a threat?" I asked him.

"Guys come on." Declan said as he stood in front of me. "Let's just help Braeden."

"Nah." Lee said as he put Braeden's body down on the ground. "You guys can can help him. I'm done."

Lee then began walking past us.

"The hell do you mean you're done?!" I yelled at him.

"I mean I'm done with all of you." Lee said as he finally walked away.

"Lee!" Declan yelled his name but Lee kept walking.

I lifted Braeden's body, and held him over my shoulder.

Lee... why are you doing this? Why did you hurt Braeden?

"Everyone congratulations!" Bands came down to congratulate everyone as we all took off our waistbands.

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