Heroes, Villains, Fighting For Our Dreams!

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Declan's POV

I stood over Arron, his Hyper Crystal fading.

"Why...?" I asked. "Why did you go so far?"

"She... she was my only friend." Arron said as he spoke his final words. "Please... you guys... have to stop her."

His Hyper Crystal finally died out, and disappeared. I watched as the life left Arron's eyes.

I felt... remorse for him. Even after everything he went through. Arron did awful things. He killed Kyro... but even still. All he wanted, was a friend.

I looked down at the halls of Coltech. Alright Valé and Braeden... the rest is on you.

Preston's POV

"RAAAAHHH!" Gigantomachia roared as he swung his massive fist at me.

I opened up my arms, creating a light shield to block, but he punched right through the shield, launching me into the ground.

I spit out blood as I stood back up.

Jeez... this behemoth. If the whole population of the United States becomes one of these things, then Devin might actually be able to pull off genocide.

I raised my arm over my head.

"That's... I'm not going to let that happen!" I yelled as light energy became growing above my palm.

It grew bigger, and bigger, even surprising Gigantomachia.

It grew bigger, and bigger, even surprising Gigantomachia

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"GRAAAHH!" He roared as he rushed towards me.

"LIGHT THAT BURNS THE SKY!" I yelled as I launched the massive light blast at him, consuming him in a giant, almost nuclear explosion.

"LIGHT THAT BURNS THE SKY!" I yelled as I launched the massive light blast at him, consuming him in a giant, almost nuclear explosion

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I panted as I took a knee. That's my most powerful attack... if he can withstand that then-

"RAAAHHHH!" Gigantomachia roared as he dashed out of the explosion, and straight towards me.

"No way...!" I said with shock, as he plowed his fist into my body, launching me across the air, and digging up the earth as I crashed into the ground.

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