Spex! The Strongest Hero!

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Dylan's POV

A huge boom erupted from the training center at Spex's facility. My friends and all frantically turned around, and saw smoke rising from the roof of the building.

"What's that?!" Lenny exclaimed.

"Braeden's there...! Come on! We gotta go back!" I yelled, but the instant we tried to run back to the training center, a wall of purple flames rose up in front of the building.

"That's Kaiana's power!" Declan said.

"They're trying to keep us safe but..." Capri started.

"Dammit..." I cursed. "Braeden!"

Braeden's POV

"Hakai Fire!" Spex yelled as he launched an energy beam of white fire from his hands.

It struck the beast with a fiery white explosion.

"GAAARRVGGH!" It roared as it ran out of the explosion and straight towards Spex.

"I-It took Spex's power like it was nothing!" I exclaimed.

"That thing... it targeted Spex with a purpose. Someone sent it here." Kaiana said as a nervous drop of sweat rolled down the side of her face.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"It's looking for something specific. That means it's not a random attack." Kaiana spoke.

"GAARRGHH!" The monster roared as it unleashed a white fiery energy blast from its mouth.

"What?!" Spex exclaimed as he quickly put his guard up, and the energy blasted into him. "I-It's using my power?!"

Pain was heard in his voice as he struggled to block the monster's attack.

"Spex!" I exclaimed. "What's going on?! How is it using his power?!"

"I-I don't know!" Kaiana said.

"We have to help!" I said as my power erupted to life.

"No!" Kaiana yelled at me. "You're just a kid! You can't get involved!"

"Argh!" Spex yelled as he successfully blocked the attack, blowing the flames away with his arms, but as he did, the monster appeared in front of him.

"So fast!" He exclaimed.

"GAAARGHHH!" It roared as it lifted its mighty arm, and sent Spex flying with a powerful punch to the chest.

"Agh!" Spex exclaimed as he went shooting back, and smashed into the wall, creating a pile of rubble.

"Dammit...! You stay here! Don't move!" Kaiana said as she created as small opening in the wall of fire, then ran through it before closing the opening.

"Wait!" I yelled. "Let me help!"

"Hey big monster guy!" Kaiana yelled as a spear of purple flames formed in her hand. "Stay away from- GAHK!"

The monster cut her off by grabbing her by the throat midair.

"Kaiana!" I exclaimed.

"YOUUU... NOTTR WHHSAAST... LIOIKING... FOFFER." The monster screeched as it lifted Kaiana high into the air, then smashed her straight into the ground.

I watched in horror as blood flew out of Kaiana's mouth, while the impact created a small crater in the ground where she laid.

It's happening again... someone is going to get hurt because I can't help them...

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