Capture The Flag!

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3rd Person POV

"Braeden Wilson is our champion!" LeYuani exclaimed as Braeden ran into the arena ahead of Kyro and Lee.

The stadium exploded into loud ear piercing cheers.

"AHHHH BRAEDEN YOU WON!" Braeden's sister Jan exclaimed as she jumped up and down in front of the tv

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"AHHHH BRAEDEN YOU WON!" Braeden's sister Jan exclaimed as she jumped up and down in front of the tv.

"Tch..." Devin watched with frustration from her phone as she laid back on her bed. "Come on Arron..."

"Braeden Wilson? Nice one kid." Gravestone smiled. "You're one of Spex's kids huh..."

"Do you think he could be a potential issue?" Abrona asked.

"No way to know since we haven't since his powers." Gravestone shrugged. "But he did good. Hope he's proud of himself."

"Braeden Wilson." Aziel smiled as he watched in person. "Winning a race without powers is impressive...!"

"Braeden did it! He actually won it!" Valé exclaimed as she watched with her friends, while her parents sat behind her.

"Woah!" Tirza said. "I did NOT expect that! That was incredible!"

"Your crush is pretty cool Valé." Callie smirked at Valé.

"I never said that I liked him." Valé sighed.

"You never said that you didn't." Callie winked back.

Vale's mom excitedly clapped her hands.

"Your friend is very fast Valé! Good for him!" She smiled.

"Eh..." Her dad said, seemingly unimpressed.

Braeden panted with his hands on his knees, then he looked up at the arena, in shock of the entire stadium cheering for him as he was showered with confetti.

He then noticed Spex in the VIP room, who looked right down at him with a smile full of pride, and made a fist.

Tears filled Braeden's eyes as he smiled back and made a fist as well.

"I... I won... I really did it..." Braeden said as he wiped his tears away.

"This tournament is a competition where everyone aims for the top." Spex smiled. "Even if it means taking down your friends and classmates. But even still..."

"Even still our apprentices preserved! So many of them made it through!" Kaiana who watched with Spex smiled as well.

"Yeah!" Spex nodded. "Congratulations Braeden."

Lee panted with his hands on his knees. He was incredibly frustrated.

"Braeden... no way... there's no way I lost you AGAIN." He angrily spoke to himself.

"Ah damn!" Kyro cursed as he punched the ground, but he smiled. "Braeden really came out of nowhere! That was amazing!"

"Braeden! That was incredible!" Dylan said as he ran to Braeden and congratulated him, along with Lenny and Declan.

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