Dodgeball? No! This is Deathball!

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Braeden's POV

Kaiana put the 5 medicine balls in the middle of our teams.

"And... GO!" She yelled.

I immediately blitzed forward, using my power to reach the balls first. I grabbed one and tried to lift it up, but I underestimated how heavy it was.

"D-Damn..." I cursed.

"Watch out!" I heard Declan yell as I turned around and saw a 30 pound medicine ball flying straight at me. "Clanging Blades!"

I heard the sound of fierce metal slamming against each other, and a shockwave of sound blasted in front of me, knocking the medicine ball away from me.

"T-Thanks!" I said to Declan.

Dammit... how weak am I?! I couldn't even throw a 30 pound medicine ball?!

"Don't just rush in!" Capri yelled at me as I ran back to my team.

"Sorry!" I said. "I thought I could-"

"You're fast but it's clear you aren't strong to be in the front! Let us take care of this!" Christian yelled as his hair whipped into a fist, and lunged for one of the balls.

"Enchant: Hellblaze!" Vix yelled as he grabbed one of the medicine balls, and it became engulfed in a dark aura as Vix sent it out at Christian's hair fist.

It mowed down his hair and shot straight towards him.

I moved through my lightning, and appeared in front of Tuco before the ball could hit him, then I swung my leg down, and smashed the ball into the floor.

"I'm... no ones burden!" I yelled at Christian. But my leg... damn that hurt.

"Tsunami Barrier!" Capri yelled as she swung her arm into the air, creating a wall of water that surrounded our team, blinding us from our opponents. "Can you idiots wait?! We need to make a plan, and work together as a team. No more mindlessly rushing in."

I landed back on the ground. My leg was throbbing in pain. Vix's power is strong... I don't even fully understand it.

"She's right." Hector spoke. "Capri, how long will this water wall last for?"

"About 20 more seconds, we don't have much time so let's hurry and strategize. Don't forget that we're also giving our opponents time to strategize too." Capri said.

"I might have a plan." Dylan spoke. "How many balls do we have on our side?"

"We've got 2." Said Lenny. "They have 3."

"Braeden, are you able to do that move again? That range attack you pulled off?" Dylan asked.

Can I...? It was my first time trying an attack like that and I did it on accident.

"That wall is coming down in 10 seconds." Capri said. "Can you do it or not?"

No time to think. Be confident. Don't let your teammates down!

"Yes. I can do it." I nodded.

"Alright. Braeden, Hector, attack with range moves right when the wall goes down." Dylan said. "Jailen, I'll need your help."

"Got it." Jailen said. "Tell me what to do!"

Lee's POV

A giant wall of water blocked our vision, so my team couldn't attack yet.

"What are we waiting for?" Kyro asked as he held a medicine ball in his hands. "Let's just throw the balls right through the wall!"

"We've only got 3 balls. If we all miss then we'll be at a severe disadvantage." Said Vix.

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