Reification Of A Heroes Rage

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Lee's POV

Valé panted heavily. I checked her state with my power. She was exhausted and her body ached with pain. But she was okay.

"Valé... that power. I didn't know you were capable of that." Said Callie.

"It was amazing. You're so strong Valé!" Tirza exclaimed.

"I thought I was dead for sure. Everything was so dark... Valé, thank you." Lenny smiled at Valé. "I mean it. It's thanks to you that we were able to win."

"He's right. Thank you Valé." Declan smiled at her as well.

She was too exhausted to speak, but I could see the hope shining in her eyes.

That's when I remembered... Spex!

"Spex!" I exclaimed as I ran over to him.

He was laying on the ground motionless. I quickly checked his state with my power, and I became relieved when I found a pulse.

"Is he...?" Declan started.

"He's alive but..." I started when I noticed his Hyper Crystal.

It wasn't shining with light anymore, and there were multiple cracks within it. Spex's body then moved and he groaned with pain.

"Spex!" Declan exclaimed. "Are you alright?!"

He weakly coughed, and opened his eyes.

"You all... are here?" He said.

"It's okay Spex it's over! Valé defeated Gravestone." I said to him.

"My wounds... they're gone?" Spex said with shock as he stood up, and looked over at Valé.

She had passed out, and Tirza carried her in her arms. Then Spex looked over at Gravestone, seeing his defeated body on the ground.

"Valé defeated Gravestone?" He asked as he finally stood back up.

"It was... incredible." I said. "She healed all of us, then Gravestone wasn't able to land a single attack on her."

Spex looked back at Valé and smiled.

"That girl... she's the reification of a heroes rage." He smiled. "All of you are. Well done young heroes."

My eyes widened with hope when Spex said those words. The reification of a heroes rage...

"Guys!" We heard Dylan's voice and saw him run into the room.

"Dylan!" Declan exclaimed.

"Is everyone alright?! Where's Gravestone?!" He exclaimed as Tirza pointed to Gravestone's unconscious body. "You guys... you did it...?!"

"She did it." Callie said motioning to Valé who was still asleep in Tirza's arms.

"So that shockwave of golden light that healed all of my wounds... I figured it was her." Dylan said. "Valé... she's incredible."

I put my hand on my friends shoulder.

"I'm glad to see your okay Dylan." I smiled.

Lenny walked over to the 3 of us, and we all hugged each other.

"It's over guys..." Lenny said. "It's over..."

"Our first real villain battle." Declan smiled. "We did it together."

"I was so afraid but I'm glad we made it out." Dylan said.

"Yeah." Spex nodded his head, and looked at his shattered Hyper Crystal. "I'll call special ops, and have them clean the place up, but for now, it's mission complete heroes."

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