Wicked Games

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Braeden's POV

5:00 am. I woke up as my alarm began blaring. I got dressed, and immediately began going to the weight room to meet Valé.

She was already there when I walked in.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back. "Good morning."

The two of us began training together. As we did, I wondered if I should tell Valé about what happened yesterday. Not about my Hyper Crystal of course, but about how the first day of practice went.

"So, how was yesterday?" She asked as she began throwing punches at a punching bag.

"It went well. We played dodgeball." I said as I threw powered up punches alongside her.

Valé laughed and put her hands on her hips as she rested for a moment.

"Dodgeball?" She panted. "I thought that you guys would be training."

"They said that they wanted to see what our powers can do. It was tough though. We played with 30 pound medicine balls. My arms are still sore." I sweat dropped.

"Woah... that does seem hard." Valé said she went back to striking the punching bag. "I wish I had tried out for Spex's program. Tirza and I both do."

"I wonder if he would mind if you came to practice with me today." I said.

"O-Oh no... that's okay I'd hate to be a burden." Valé said. "Besides I've got somewhere I have to go tonight... I was actually thinking that maybe we could go together?"

"Huh?" I said with confusion. "Where?"

"My friends are going out to eat tonight and they're all bringing their boyfriends. But Tirza and I are the only single ones." Valé nervously said as she twirled her dark hair on her finger, and looked away.

"Ah. I see." I smiled. "I don't mind going with you. What time?"

"Really?" Her eyes lit up. "Is like 7:00 okay?"

"Yeah that's perfect." I said. "But what about Tirza? Is she going to have anyone to hangout with?"

"Well actually... she wants to ask your friend. That guy Lenny." Valé said as she looked away for a minute.

I'm not sure if I was imagining it, but it seemed like she was a little frustrated that Tirza wanted to ask out Lenny.

"I don't see why Lenny would say no." I said. "He makes everything more fun too, so it'll be even better."

"Okay great." Valé said. "And Braeden, thanks a lot of doing this for me."

"Sure. We're friends aren't we?" I smiled.

"Yeah..." Valé sighed. "Friends..."

"Valé?" I said with concern. "You alright?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "Ready to practice with our powers?"

"I don't know. I still don't feel comfortable with hitting you. You're so... fragile-" Valé cut me off by punching me in the chest. "W-Woah! Valé!"

"Better fight back if you don't want to lose to "fragile" girl!" Valé said she began throwing punches and kicks at me.

I blocked all of her attacks, but it was clear that she had been training. Her lunges were faster, and they were hitting hard.

"When did you get so good at fighting?" I asked.

"I've been training with Mr. Hart after school!" Valé said as she kept throwing punches at me, she even landed some of them on my chest.

Valé is working so hard. It's clear she's serious about being a hero. She went from someone that was so shy and quiet at first, to someone who works hard to achieve their goal.

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