Risk It, Heroes!

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Dylan's POV

I rushed forward, throwing punches at one of the villains, but he quickly jumped back to dodge me.

"Thunder Fang!" He yelled as he spit lightning from his mouth at speeds that were too high for me to dodge.

I was forced to block, but it was so powerful that I was blasted back, and smashed into a table.

"Dylan!" Lee exclaimed as he ran to me. "Are you alright?!"

"I-I'm good...!" I weakly said as I stood back up.

The same villain faced Lee and I.

"You've got heart kid! They called me Strong Jaw! My power is Elemental Fang! I can shoot blasts of fire, ice, and lightning from my mouth-" Strong Jaw spoke.

"I don't care!" I yelled as I rushed straight at him.

"Heh! Have some manners! Fire Fang!" Strong Jaw yelled as he spewed fire from his mouth. I was up way too close to dodge.

"Mystic Blast!" I heard Lee yelled as blasts of psychic energy exploded into the flames, protecting me.

"Dylan don't be so reckless! These guys Hyper Level's are over double our own!" Lee yelled.

I looked back at Mr. Hart. He was engaged in combat with the woman.

"Wait a second... there was 3 of them!" I said.

"Uh oh!" Strong Jaw smiled. "I wonder where my friend went!"

Lenny's POV

Myself, Declan, Tirza, Callie, and Valé all ran through the dorm halls. Most of the students had made it back to their dorms, it was just us.

"Are Lee and Dylan going to be okay? And Mr. Hart?" Tirza asked me.

"They'll be alright! Once you guys are safe, we'll go to help them!" I smiled.

"What about Braeden?" Valé asked.

"Come on Valé." Declan smiled. "Don't worry he'll be fine. Capri too-"

Something then smashed through the wall, and one of the men from in the gym stood before us.

"Where do you kiddies think you're going?" He asked.

"Dammit..." I cursed. "Guys stay back-"

"Not this time." Said Tirza, as her arm became a dragon wing.

"We're fighting with you!" Said Callie.

"But-" Declan started.

"We can defeat him together!" Valé smiled, making two fists.

Declan shrugged as his bone blades shot out of his arms.

"Okay... then let's do this!" He smiled.

"Before I kill you guys, you should name my name first!" The villain smiled. "You can call me Power Clone!"

He then created multiple copies of himself. Similar to Jailen's power but... each of his clones were different. One of them was made of steel. Another was made of fire. And another was made of sand. While his real body became part steel, part fire, and part sand.

"Dammit..." I cursed.

The anime I watched today was Pokémon... and I can't copy any powers from that show, which means I'll have to use Power Swap, and that'll significantly lower my strength... this will be tough...!

Braeden's POV

"No matter what you'll save her you say? Ha! That does sound like something you wannabe heroes would say." The villain said. "You all just love to spout that kind of bullshit don't you? Call me Gozo! You're Braeden isn't that right?"

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