The First Event! Showout!

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Braeden's POV

I continued running as fast as I could, but Lee and Kyro had already caught up with me.

That's right... I may be used to life without powers, but they've been training at HPA much longer than I have, which means they're probably in better shape.

I didn't even notice as Lee zoomed right past me.

"I hope you didn't think you'd have the upper hand just because you're used to not having powers." He spoke as he took first place, and Kyro took second.

"Dammit!" I cursed with frustration as I kept running ahead.

I then noticed a small explosion come from Lee as he stumbled back, allowing Kyro to take first.

"What the-?!" Lee said.

I kept running, then the ground erupted beneath me, knocking me to the ground.

"An explosion?!" I exclaimed. "This is a minefield!"

Lee and Kyro kept running forward, even though they were both being shaken up by the explosions. I've gotta do the same, and keep pushing forward!

Lenny's POV

I was stuck in a big group of people. Man this sucks! I didn't think that Jayden would've created a Deadzone like that.

"Get out the way!"

"Move!" People kept shoving and pushing past each other to get ahead of the competition.

Braeden jetted to first place before we reached the deadzone, I have to get up there! Just because I can't use powers right now doesn't mean I don't have a chance of reaching first place.

I continued sprinting as fast as I could.


"W-Woah!" I noticed explosions coming from ahead of me, and saw people being throw into the air followed by a smoke cloud.

How are there explosions when we can't use our powers?

I then watched as a person in front of me took one step, and an explosion erupted beneath him, launching him backwards.

A minefield... damn! Does our durability even work right now?!

I watched as more people were launched into the air as they tried to sprint through the minefield.

But... as I watched, I noticed that right when the mines are about to explode, they make very fast beep sound. That's when the explosion happens... rather than trying to avoid them, maybe I can use them propel myself forward!

I ran forward, ready to test it out, but as I did, Hector sprinted right past me.

"Woo!" He said as he nimbly dodged each and every nine, continuing to sprint forward. "This is just like my soccer drills before my Hyper Crystal developed!"

Damn! I've gotta get moving, I'm wasting too much time!

"Lenny! Why are you standing around?!" Declan said as he caught up, and was about to run past me, Dylan was with him.

"Guys wait!" I said to them. "I've got an idea!"

Braeden's POV

"Agh!" I exclaimed as I fell to the ground from an explosion, finally getting past the final mine.

I slowly stood up, but Lee and Kyro still ran ahead.

"See ya!" I heard Hector's familiar voice as I watched him run past me.

What?! How'd he get past the mine so fast?!

Then to make things worse... a MASSIVE explosion erupted at the start of the minefield with so much force it made the ground shake.

I turned around, and through the giant cloud of smoke, I saw Dylan, Lenny, and Declan, soaring through the air from the explosion.


"Let's take the lead!"

"I can't believe it actually worked!" The three of them exclaimed.

What?! They used the mines to launch themselves forward?!

They tumbled into the ground before quickly jumping back up, and running ahead.

"Incredible! 3 competitors just shot to 4th, 5th, and 6th place!" I heard LeYuani commentating from the stadium.

Damn! I started out in 1st place, now I'm in 7th! I've gotta get moving! I will not settle for top 32!

I kept running as fast as I could. Desperately trying to reach the front of the competition.

The race was nearing its end, but I was still stuck in 7th. As I reached the climax, I came across an insanely steep slope that went almost straight downward. But at the bottom of it, was the entrance to the arena, which means the winner of the race would emerge into the arena first.

Kyro, Lee, Hector, Lenny, Dylan, and Declan had already began running down the slope, but they couldn't run at full speed since it was so steep.

There's no way I can catch them like that...

I looked behind me, and saw some of the other competitors starting to catch up. Then I looked down at the bottom of the slope again... there's only one way I can win this...

I took a few steps back, and took a deep breath.

"This race... is mine!" I yelled as I sprinted forward, as fast as I could, and jumped clean off of the slope.

I flew past Dylan, Lenny, Declan, and Hector, and I closed in on Lee, and Kyro, who were neck and neck.

"What the?!"

"Braeden?!" Declan and Hector exclaimed.

"Look at that plot twist! Braeden Wilson throws himself right down the slope! He's taken 3rd place! He's even going to steal first!" LeYuani exclaimed. "This fight is far from over though!"

But... I began losing speed and momentum. At first I was on track to shoot past them, but now it looks like I'm about to fall right on top of them! This is bad! They'll shoot right ahead of me!

If I don't time this correctly, there's no way I'll be able to take the lead. I just have to keep going! I've still got a chance! I have to reach out and take it! The only way to win... is to take another leap! And take Kyro and Lee out of the running!

I can show the whole world... who I am!

I landed right on top of them, one foot on both of their backs.


"Braeden?!" They both exclaimed.

"Get out... of my way!" I yelled as I kicked off them, and launched myself forward, taking first place again, and sprinting as fast as I could to the arena entrance.

"I-Incredible! Braeden Wilson from Spex's Apprentice Program takes first place at the last second!" LeYuani exclaimed, and I could start hearing the loud cheers from the stadium.

I heard Lee, and Kyro's footsteps closing in on me, as they instantly caught up.

Don't look back! Keep sprinting! Who cares if they're faster without powers?! You've always had the most heart!

The 3 of us then sprinted into final hallway and could see the light the lead into the arena.

"3 competitors are neck and neck! All from Spex's Apprentice Program!" LeYuani exclaimed. "Who won?! Who's the winner of the first event!"

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