Deadzone Race!

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3rd Person POV

The stadium was now packed full of thousands upon thousands of spectators. All eyes in the world were watching on their TVs as well as the tournament finally began.

"Come on Braeden..." Jan nervously sat on her couch, waiting for her little brother to be called out to the arena floor with the rest of his rivals.

Devin watched on her phone atop her bed, waiting in anticipation to see Arron.

"You'd better win Arron..." She said. "I know you can do it."

Even Gravestone watched from his office building.

"Let's see what future heroes could be getting in my way next..." He smiled as he watched closely.

Finally, at the stadium, the event was finally starting.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this year's National Hyper Power Tournament! Up and coming heroes from the country will leave everything on the battlefield, as they fight for the chance to receive worldwide glory!" The announcer spoke, as fireworks began shooting all across the sky of the stadium, and it erupted into cheer. "I'm your host LeYuani Charmin! Who will be the winner of this years tournament and prove themselves as the strongest future hero?!"

 "I'm your host LeYuani Charmin! Who will be the winner of this years tournament and prove themselves as the strongest future hero?!"

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Braeden's POV

"First, we have the students trained by the strongest hero, Upper 5 Spex's Heroes!" We heard a loud voice from the stadium, and all began walking out onto the arena.

This is it... I've gotta do my best! And I'll make sure I won't get left behind or overshadowed by anybody else!

Finally, we walked out onto the arena.

We were immediately showered with loud ear piercing applause.

We were immediately showered with loud ear piercing applause

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"I-I didn't think there would be this many people..." Pearl nervously said.

"This is sick!" Said Shimon. "All these people can watch me win!"

"I just hope I can give my best performance with all these eyes watching us..." Daniel nervously said.


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