Lee Jooahn: Origin

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Lee's POV

"That's it!" Kaiana said as she raised both her arms up. "Declan and Dylan have sealed the match! Their teams wins!"


"Man..." My team groaned with disappointment.

Dylan and Declan fist bumped as their team celebrated.

"You pulled it off perfectly Dylan!" Declan smiled.

"It's all thanks to you that we were able to win though." Dylan said. "Our teamwork is pretty good."

"Argh!" Kyro said with frustration. "Their combo move was so good! I can't believe we lost! I've gotta get a rematch!"

"Dammit..." Vix said as he looked down at be ground with his fists balled up. "My first day and I'm already behind..."

I looked at Dylan as he celebrated with his team. Why? I'm supposed to be stronger than him. I'm supposed to be stronger than all of them. Why did I lose? Why am I STILL not where I'm supposed to be?

Am I ever going to be the kind of hero I promised you I would become...?


8 years ago...

"Go Lee run!"

"Run! Run!" My mom and dad both cheered after I had swung the baseball bat, striking the ball off of the tee.

I ran as fast as I could to first base, and a sense of joy rushed over my body when my foot safely stepped on it.

"Safe!" The umpire yelled as the parents in the bleachers began applauding.

I looked over at my parents and they were excitedly cheering as well, which made me smile bright.


My baseball game had ended, and my team won with an overwhelming victory. My dad was carrying me on his shoulders as we walked to his car. My mom wouldn't stop raving about how well I played.

"When you hit that ball I was cheering so loud! You had no idea! I think I'm going to lose my voice by tomorrow morning." She smiled.

"Thanks mom." I happily said.

"How about we all go out for ice cream?" My dad smiled.

After saying that, a black cloud of smoke appeared in the distance.

"What's that?" I asked but my dad seemed concerned.

"Come on. Let's get to the car." He said as he began walking faster with my mom and I.

We got in the car, and my dad immediately began driving away from the baseball field, faster than he should be.

He kept driving, we had to go through the city to get home and when we reached the city, it was a nightmare. People were running away and traffic was in a complete jam.

"What... is going on?" My mom asked.

A person was then sent flying through the air, and smashed into a building.

"What was that?!" I exclaimed as debris from the building began falling to the ground, flattening cars and the street.

"Damn you!" The man cursed as he jumped out of the destroyed building and landed right in front of our car.

"Shit!" My dad cursed.

The man then lifted up our car with ease, only using one arm. That's when I noticed a shining crystal on his wrist.

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