Kyro Gonzales: Rising

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Kyro's POV

Arron rushed straight at me. He was way faster than at the tournament as he swung his sword, but I narrowly dodged.

I then heard a gunshot, and I screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

How...?! I didn't even see him raise his arm?! When did he fire his rifle?!

"You didn't think I was going all out during the tournament did you?" Arron said.

"D-Dammit..." I cursed as blood began pouring out of my leg from the gunshot.

Even still... I won't give up! I won't die here! I refuse!

I stood up tall, my hands glowing with my power.

"Star Bolt Smash!" I yelled as I ran forward, and got ready to punch Arron.

... when I felt a incredibly fierce and sharp pain near my wrist. Blood soaked Arron's sword, and I watched my left hand fall to the ground, unattached from my body.

"A-ARGGH!" I screamed in pain.

Arron then smashed his foot straight into my chest, and I was sent flying back, slamming against the wall.

"Kill him quickly Arron." Aziel spoke. "I want to begin as soon as possible."

"Understood." Arron spoke as he walked towards me.

I coughed up blood. I can't lose... I can't die here... this can't be the end for me...

Mom and dad... will I... ever be able to see you guys again...?

Braeden, Lee, Dylan, Declan, Lenny... I don't know if you guys considered me your friends... but you were the greatest friends I ever had. Will we ever get to have heated fights again...?

"If you stay down now, then I'll finish you quickly." Arron spoke. "But if you keep fighting, you'll suffer."


I stood up tall as I felt my Hyper Crystal starting to burst with power.

"I'M KYRO GONZALES!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, blood falling from my mouth. "MY GOAL, IS TO BE THE GREATEST HERO! AND THAT MEANS... DEFEATING YOU!"

I blitzed towards Arron and smashed my fist straight into him, pushing him all the way back.

He spit out blood as he turned his attention back to me.

"Oh yeah. Let's go." He smiled as he got rid of the rifle on his left arm, turned it into a sword as well.

He ran at me, but I didn't back down as I charged him.

"I won't.. QUIT!" I yelled as his blades slashed apart my chest.

"I'LL WIN!" I screamed out as I kept throwing punches.

He stabbed me in the stomach as more blood flew out of my mouth.

"I'LL BE..." I started as my skin began to glow brightly all over my body.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Arron angrily yelled as drove his sword straight towards my Hyper Crystal.

"... A HERO!" I yelled out as I unleashed my ultimate move: Supernova Sirius.

A giant explosion consumed Arron and I, right as he slashed my Hyper Crystal.

"I'LL BE..." I started as he sliced my Hyper Crystal right off my body, removing it completely, and ripping it out of my DNA. "The worlds... greatest... hero..."

Everything went dark as I fell to the ground, and the life left my body.

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