It's not Valentine's Day, it's Wednesday

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[Seungcheol's POV]

The sudden ringing of my phone at 5 am jolted me awake.

I groggily picked it up, irritation clear in my voice, "Who the hell is calling at this hour?! It's 5am for fuck's sake!"

This had been happening way too often this week and it was only Wednesday.

The person on the other end of the line was Soonyoung, who seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that it was an ungodly hour.


Soonyoung really doesn't know how to use his inner voice does he?

"I hope those plans are work-related," I grumbled, my distaste for the holiday evident in my voice.

I had never been much of a fan of Valentine's Day, and had only ever used it as an excuse to drink; when I got invited to with friends and family.

"Stop being so bitter every single year, lighten up!" Soonyoung chided.

"Anyways, I'll see you at breakfast later."

"Breakfast?" I repeated, confused.

"Yes! At Campfire Cafe. Jihoon and I will be there at 6, so you have about an hour to be there."

I sighed, "Fine. Bye, Soonyoung."

Without waiting for him to say goodbye, I hung up the phone, feeling annoyed.

"At least wake me up at 5:30," I grumbled to myself, as I got out of bed to get ready.

[Third person POV]

Seungcheol got out of bed and grabbed at his phone, checking his emails before dragging himself into the bathroom.

As he splashed cold water on his face, he put on his current favorite song, "Heaven and Back" by Chase Atlantic, which had been on repeat for the past month.

The cool water refreshed his skin and he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He surveyed his closet, considering wearing something casual but ultimately deciding against it.

Soonyoung was always on his case about being on time, and Seungcheol knew that he wouldn't be allowed to leave early to change if he was wearing something too casual.

As he got dressed, he hummed along to the music, feeling his nerves start to settle as he focused on the tasks at hand.

As he got dressed, he hummed along to the music, feeling his nerves start to settle as he focused on the tasks at hand

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(The suit he wore 🛐🛐🛐🛐)

As he walked down the stairs of his lavish mansion, he felt a dryness in his throat that made him thirsty.

He made his way to the kitchen to quench his thirst, quickly grabbing a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

As he twisted open the cap, the coolness of the water soothed his parched throat, and he took a few deep gulps before recapping the bottle and setting it aside.

With that, he made his way towards the front door, his steps echoing on the marble floor.

Before leaving, he grabbed his car keys from the entryway shelves, making sure that everything was in order before leaving.

[Seungcheol's POV]

As soon as the realization hit me that I was running behind schedule, a sense of panic set in.

"Oh God, they're going to kill me!"

I quickly checked the time on my phone and confirmed that I was already 15 minutes late.

I locked the door on my way out, my heart racing as I sprinted towards my car.

With the key in the ignition, I hit the gas and sped off down the road.

Even though the cafe was relatively nearby, I knew that I was gonna be there way too late.

As I drove, my mind raced with thoughts of what I could say to Jihoon and Soonyoung.

But I knew that both of my friends were gonna hate me for this no matter what I say.

-Time skip-

I arrived at Campfire Cafe, Jihoon's favorite hangout spot, 17 minutes later.

As I entered, I could feel their eyes piercing through me, Looking like they're plotting for my downfall, making me feel even more guilty.

Before I could even apologize, Soonyoung cut me off, "No excuses. Just sit."

I agreed to treat them as a way of saying sorry for being late.

After taking their orders, I approached the barista to place the order and noticed a new face.

"Hi, is Seungkwan not here today?"

"Nah, so what do you want?"

Is he new here? I've never seen him before..

I shrugged it off and told him our order.

I walked back over to the others and sat down.

"So did you guys see the Valentine's Day sales yet?" Jihoon said as he was texting someone.

"Nope, been busy planning stuff for us to do."

"Soonyoung, don't get too distracted from work. And yeah I saw."

"I won't get distracted. You know you can have fun too, right?"

I rolled my eyes. Once again, for the nth time this week I'm reminded that I'm "no fun".

Yay, just what I need right now.

"Order for Choi Seungcheol"

I got up to get the order. As I was about to grab the tray of cakes and coffee, I heard someone yelling behind me, making me flinch.

They're lucky I didn't drop anything on the floor-

I turned around to see another unfamiliar face.

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