"[....] I don't want to lose you"

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There really is no peace today.... I hate Wednesdays....

- Time skip -

[Third person POV]

Seungcheol, still at his desk, is drinking his coffee anxiously. He can't think straight; so much happened in just a few hours, it's overwhelming.

I have to focus..

He eventually goes back to going over some upcoming campaigns. But of course, once again, he's interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

"What is it now?!" He says, frustrated.

Why is the universe against me today??

He grabs his phone, looking slightly confused as to why this person is calling at this time.

"Chan is everything ok? Don't you have classes today?"

Chan is like a son to him. He's taken care of him for a bit more than half of his life. Seungcheol himself was also really young at the time but he had to.

He hears Chan breathing heavily, like he's been running a marathon.

"Dad! Guess what just happened!"

So much is already going through Seungcheol's head right now, he doesn't need something else to worry about.

"What is it? Why do you sound so out of breath?"

"After I left history class, I called one of my friends because we promised to meet up at the cafeteria, but he wouldn't answer."

Where is this going?

"So naturally I went to where he works and there he was!"

"Chan can you please get to the point, I have to get back to work"

"Okay! Basically, we talked for a bit and then I went to the restroom and when I came back I saw him kiss someone! So I ran out."

Chan- really?

"And so you called me to tell me that your friend is in a relationship?"

"Yeah, but how come he didn't tell me.."

Seungcheol took a sip of his coffee, trying to think of what to say. He realized how upset Chan sounds and he didn't want to make things worse.

"I'm sure he was going to tell you. He might've just needed some time to figure things out. Don't let this ruin your day, ok?"

"I guess.."

As Seungcheol was about to say goodbye, Chan asked something that Seungcheol didn't expect.

"You'd tell me if you were dating someone, right?"

He was taken aback, taking a few seconds before answering.

"You'd be the first person to know. But you don't have to worry about me keep that from you, I'm not gonna be dating anyone anytime soon."

"Oh ok! Sorry for bothering you dad. I just needed to tell someone. Thank you for listening, love you!"

"Love you too, see you at home"

He hangs up and gets back work. Well- tries to.

A couple more hours pass. Seungcheol was done for the day, so he started packing up.

As he was about to leave his office, he remembered something.

"The casting- I didn't get anything back. Odd.."

Instead of going home right away, he went to Soonyoung's office.

He made sure to text Chan, letting him know he might come home a bit later than usual.

It was almost 4pm.

It shouldn't take too long- right?

- Time skip -

"It's 7pm! What happened?! I was worried!"

Locking the door behind him, Seungcheol takes off his suit jacket.

"I'm sorry Chan but it was urgent."

Chan hugs Seungcheol tightly.

"Don't do that again. I don't want to lose you."

Stroking Chan's hair, Seungcheol assured him that he isn't going to leave him. It always breaks his heart when Chan gets anxious about these things.

"I promise that I'll text you if this happens again, ok?"

Chan nods, sniffling.

Seungcheol ruffles Chan's hair.

"Don't do that, I'm not 15 anymore" Chan said, sulking slightly.

"I know, I know. You're in college and you don't want to be babied anymore. "

"Correct! Now- I'm hungry, can you make me something? I haven't eaten since 2!"

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang