"Fae? [....]"

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[Third person POV]

"June starts in a couple of days! Come on dude, we have to at least do something to celebrate!" Soonyoung nagged. "Even Cheol is on board with the idea."

Jihoon crosses his arms and leans back against the couch.

"Look, for the millionth time, no."

Soonyoung then got up and stood in front of the younger.

He leaned in and cupped Jihoon's face.

Jihoon's eyes widened in surprise, feeling flustered by Soonyoung's unexpected action. "What the fuck are you doing?" he exclaimed, pushing Soonyoung away.

"I'm just trying to figure out what's bothering you," Soonyoung answered, undeterred by Jihoon's reaction. "Usually, you're annoyed, but not like this. Something's off."

Not pleased with Soonyoung's intrusive gesture, Jihoon smacked his friend's arm in irritation.

Overdramatically, Soonyoung grabbed his arm and whined playfully. "You're so mean to me!"

The duo then heard a knock on the door.

"You expecting anyone?" Asked Soonyoung.

Jihoon shook his head slightly, his hands in his pockets as he walked to the door.

Soonyoung looked out the window that looks out to the driveway and noticed a familiar figure standing by a sleek BMW.

"Wait- dude, isn't that.."

The knocking got louder.

The two flinched. "Someone's having a bad day." Snarked, Jihoon.

Jihoon went over to Soonyoung and looked out the window to where he was pointing.

Jihoon looked confused.

Soonyoung went over to the door and opened it.

"Fae? What are you doing here."

Fae is Seungcheol's ex girlfriend.

They used to be a thing back in middle school and high school.

The two ended things in junior year, but no one ever knew why.

To their classmates, they had appeared to be a perfect couple, and those who knew Seungcheol personally had witnessed the happiness he radiated whenever Fae was around. He adored her intelligence, her looks, her personality- every aspect of her.

They all haven't seen or reached out to each other in years, so for her to show up at Jihoon's house with her brother was definitely unexpected.

"I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. It's just been too long. Is Cheolie around?" Fae asked as she walked into the house.

"No, he's at his place I'm pretty sure."

Fae looked at Soonyoung and Jihoon in disappointment.

"We haven't talked to him all day, he's been pretty busy." Continued Soonyoung.

Fae sighed, her disappointment quickly turning into annoyance as she walked closer to Soonyoung.

With a hint of condescension in her voice, she said, "Well, isn't that just like Cheol? Always too busy for the people who care about him."

Jihoon's eyebrows furrowed at Fae's attitude.

He had always known her to be a sweet and kind person, but it seemed like time had changed her. "Fae, there's no need to be so snarky. He has his own life and responsibilities."

Fae rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by Jihoon's response. "Oh, please. Spare me the lecture, Jihoon. I know Cheol, and I know exactly how he operates. But I guess you're too blinded by your friendship to see it."

Soonyoung stepped forward, trying to defuse the tension in the room. "Hey, let's not start a fight here. Fae, we'll make sure to pass along the message to Cheol. If he's available, he'll reach out to you."

Fae huffed and crossed her arms, clearly dissatisfied with the situation. "Fine. Just tell him I stopped by. It's not like he'll make an effort anyway."

With that, Fae turned on her heels and made her way to the door.

Before leaving, she turned back to Jihoon, her voice filled with sarcasm. "Thanks for the warm welcome, Jihoon. It's always a pleasure."

Jihoon clenched his jaw, trying to keep his composure. "You're welcome, Fae. Take care."

As the door closed behind them, a heavy silence filled the room. Soonyoung looked at Jihoon, concerned. "What was that all about? Fae was never like this."

Jihoon sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Soonyoung. People change, I guess."

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora