Pure Chaos

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[Third person POV]

The park was cloaked in darkness as Seungkwan found himself sitting alone on a bench, contemplating whether he should've agreed to meet up with his ex or not.

The night air was cool, making Seungkwan shiver slightly. He hugged himself and looked around the park; expecting Vernon to come walking up to him soon.

He's been sitting and waiting for the past half hour. Seungkwan knew he should've at least come by later than that but he couldn't think straight- he still can't.

Suddenly, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. Seungkwan's heart clenched at the sight of him, memories of their breakup resurfacing. But there was something different about Vernon's demeanor this time; he seemed overwhelmed and on the verge of breaking down.

Unable to bear the weight of his secrets any longer, Vernon approached Seungkwan, his voice trembling as he sat down, "hi- Kwan." Tears glistened in his eyes as he tried his best not to break eye contact with the older.

"Why are you crying?" Seungkwan questioned as he pat the younger's back, comforting him.

Vernon then suddenly brought him into a hug, crying as he spoke. "I never wanted to break up..." He trailed off slightly as he shed tears onto Seungkwan's jacket.

Seungkwan's eyes widened. "What-?" He pulled away as he asked, confused. "You broke up with me, Vernon..." He said, on the verge of tears, himself.

Vernon cups his face and wipes his tears. "I'm sorry, but it's just that.. There was so much going on at the time and I-" he paused, as he looked at his ex-boyfriend's teary eyes- his heart breaking into a million pieces.

Taking a deep breath, Vernon, then, speaks, "I wanna explain.. Everything."

Seungkwan pulled away, once again, keeping a distance between him and Vernon, so he could compose himself. He wants to hear the other out,but at the same time, his brain is telling him to disregard everything he's about to say. He doesn't want to be hurt again, he wants to punch him in the face and tell him to fuck off, but he can't bring himself to do any of that.

Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you, Vernon?

Seungkwan sighed and let Vernon say what he wanted to get off his chest.

Vernon got hold of Seungkwan's hands and held them tight as he looked at him with loving, sincere eyes. "I only broke up with you because I- I was involved in Jeonghan's kidnapping..." Seungkwan's eyes widened. He didn't want to believe that Vernon would do such a thing, but the more Vernon talked and how he seemed so regretful and genuine,it fucked with his brain.

"I can't believe you Vernon!" Vernon put his head down as he got yelled at in the middle of the night, by the only person he's ever really had feelings for.. The person he held so dear and close to his heart, but he can't blame him... He hates himself too.

Seungkwan stared at him, shock and sadness washing over him. He couldn't believe the extent of his actions and how he never thought about just saying no to Mingyu. Friend or not, it's fucked up.

It all just left him with mixed emotions. He couldn't fully process everything and it gave him a headache.

"Seungkwan, I love you, more than anything.. I would never intentionally hurt you or the people you love." Vernon said, as he got up from the bench- about to leave; knowing that there's no coming back from what he did.

Vernon suddenly stopped when he felt Seungkwan grab his wrist, looking at him with pleading eyes. "I love you too, Vernon," the older of the two said, tears welling up, again. "But..." Vernon frowns at that word.

Why am I such an idiot?

Meanwhile, tensions were running high between Minghao and Jun. Their fight had escalated to a point where they were both struggling to see eye to eye.

"I can't believe you'd- you'd do some like that!" Minghao couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal he felt when he discovered Jun's involvement in the kidnapping plan. Jun, on the other hand, was grappling with guilt and regret for his actions, wanting to find a way to make amends. "I promise, babe I-" before he could say more, he felt a harsh slap across his face.

Minghao glared at him before turned away and locking himself in their shared bedroom, leaving Jun to sleep on the couch for the night.

As for Mingyu, he found himself seeking solace in alcohol, drowning his sorrows and insecurities. The weight of his unrequited feelings for Wonwoo and the guilt over his actions weighed heavily on him.

In his drunken state, Mingyu called Vernon, feeling the need to talk to someone who doesn't completely hate him yet. "I can't do this anymore," he slurred, his voice filled with despair. "I'm quitting my job, and I don't care what happens next. I'll just drink or sleep around."

Vernon, despite the heartache he had experienced, couldn't help but feel concerned for Mingyu. He knew that his friend was hurting and lost, struggling to find a way out of the mess he had created. "Gyu, you need serious help, not alcohol."

Mingyu scoffed, "yeah well I'm an asshole, I don't deserve a redemption arch." He took another sip of his beer, then set the bottle aside. Vernon sighed, not knowing how to deal with the situation. He wanted to help, but he's also in conflict himself.

Can't we just go back to a few months ago.. To just reverse this mess? What the fuck even happened?

"Ok, I'll hang up," Dokyeom chuckles softly. Him and Joshua have been trying to go to bed for the past 20 minutes, unable to say goodbye for the night.

The two finally let each other rest, putting their phones aside as they got comfortable in their beds. Dokyeom sighs in content as he looks at the ceiling, smiling to himself.

I wouldn't trade this for the world

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