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[Third person POV]

"When are y'all gonna actually start dating?" Dokyeom blurted out as he was munching down on his pepperoni pizza.

Soonyoung, mid-chew on his chicken, nearly choked, while Jihoon involuntarily sprayed his coke zero in surprise.

"Ewwwww, what the fuck you guys?!" Seungkwan practically screamed at the top of his lungs, drawing everyone's attention toward them.

Jun walked over laughing, holding his phone. "Jeez you guys are disgusting, but that was hilarious and Seungkwan's face too-"

Before Jun could finish his sentence, Seungkwan interrupted by stuffing his mouth with pizza and giving Jun a pointed look. "No."

Jihoon shot Dokyeom an unamused glare.

"I'd run if I were you, Kyeom," said Jun, his words muffled by his mouthful of food.

"Can you chew and swallow first, damn," Seungkwan rolled his eyes at Jun while side-eyeing him. He was starting to regret his decision to come to this party.

Suddenly, Dokyeom makes a run for it and screams for help as Jihoon runs after him with a water gun.

Dokyeom ends up running into Jeonghan, making both of them fall on the ground.

Jeonghan's eyes widened in surprise as Dokyeom rested on top of him. "S-sorry, Rose..." He stammered, quickly helping the older to his feet.

Everyone went over to check on the two.

"This is why you don't run around so carelessly!" Seungcheol said, annoyed with what just happened, since the two of them could've seriously got hurt from the fall.

"Jihoon!" Dokyeom's voice erupted with surprise and delight as Jihoon, armed with a water gun, sprayed him with water.

Laughter filled the air as Jihoon and Soonyoung couldn't contain themselves at the sight of their friend now drenched from head to toe.

Quick on his feet, Dokyeom retaliated by snatching up another water gun, aiming at the duo, and releasing a watery assault that left their clothes as wet as his.

Soonyoung, let out a loud scream, "AHH! KYEOM! NO!"

This only encouraged Chan, the youngest one at the party, to add fuel to the watery frenzy by shouting, "WATER FIGHT!" This single phrase ignited a chain reaction, prompting everyone to grab their own water weapons.

Some took cover behind tables and lounge chairs, including Jeonghan, who hid closest to the snack bar- in case he got hungry while hiding.

Seungcheol spotted him, rushing to hide with him, and handed Jeonghan a water gun with a knowing smile.

Jeonghan took the water gun and smiled,blushing slightly, as he whispered, "Thanks."

Their brief moment was abruptly interrupted by Chan, who couldn't resist making a playful jab, "Ewww! PDA!" Without hesitation, he sprayed both Seungcheol and Jeonghan, triggering an all-out water battle that saw no one spared from the watery chaos.

[Time skip]

[Seungkwan's POV]

Soonyoung's parties are the only thing I look forward to these days.

Each morning, the thought of dragging myself out of bed for work feels like an unbearable chore. The walls of my apartment shielding me from the world outside. I've tried to do anything and everything to get my mind off of..


I snapped out of my thoughts with a heavy sigh, realizing that I'd inadvertently tuned out Jeonghan for the past hour.

A faint smile tugged at my lips as I looked at him, his hand gently resting on mine.

It pained me to see Jeonghan's distress because I was drowning in my own. Still, I made an effort to seem somewhat fine.

I couldn't express enough how grateful j am for having Jeonghan by my side, even though I felt responsible for causing him to be upset.

"I'm sorry, Hannie," I admitted, my voice trailing off into uncertainty. We'd discussed it all, leaving nothing to be unsaid. There was nothing we hadn't attempted to distract me from the heartache.

Jeonghan drew me into a tight, comforting hug, his breath shaky as he sniffled.

I pulled away, concerned. "Hannie, why are you crying?" I reached for some tissues from my vanity and handed them to him.

Jeonghan met my gaze, tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't see you so disoriented and hurt, Kwanie," he confessed, taking a deep breath. "All I want is to help, but I feel completely helpless myself."

I embraced him once more, our shared grief flowing freely in the safety of each other's arms.

"Hannie, you can't say that," I whispered softly. "I'm here for you, just as you are for me."

[Third person POV]

Meanwhile, Seungcheol is helping Chan with cleaning his room.

"You know, dad," Chan sat down on his bed, looking over at Seungcheol tying a trash bag. "I haven't seen you genuinely so happy in a while."

Seungcheol set the trash bag aside and wiped his forehead, looking at Chan. "What do you mean?"

Chan grabbed a juice box and poked the straw through. "I mean that I wouldn't mind having Jeonghan as my step dad."

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