The Dinner Party

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[Third person POV]

The following week passed by rather smoothly for Seungcheol and the rest of the team at 17Carat.

The stress of the collaboration with Velvet was finally behind them, and they could focus on their other projects.

However, there was one thing that continued to bother Seungcheol- his infatuation with Jeonghan.

It seemed like every time he thought he was getting a handle on his feelings, something would happen that made him realize just how deeply he was affected by the other man.

Today was one of those days.

Seungcheol, along with Jihoon and Soonyoung, was scheduled to meet with 8styles to discuss an upcoming project.

After the offer, Jeonghan's manager and the CEO were interested, so they scheduled a meeting for further discussion.

The chance of seeing Jeonghan was high, as he was likely to be present at the meeting as well.

Seungcheol couldn't help but feel anxious as he got ready to leave for the meeting.

He knew he had to stay professional and not let his feelings for Jeonghan affect his work.

But it was easier said than done.

As they made their way to 8styles, Seungcheol tried to focus on the project at hand. He knew that was the only way to keep his emotions in check.

But as they entered the building and walked towards the conference room, his heart began to race.

Sure enough, Jeonghan was already seated at the table when they arrived.

Seungcheol couldn't help but steal a few glances in his direction, admiring the way the light fell on his features and the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled.

But he knew he had to keep his focus on the project.

He took a deep breath and tried to block out any distracting thoughts.

The meeting went smoothly, and Seungcheol managed to contribute to the discussion without getting sidetracked by Jeonghan's presence.

He felt a sense of pride and relief wash over him as they wrapped up the meeting.

As they were packing up their things, Soonyoung approached him.

"Hey, Cheol. That went really well. I'm proud of us," he said, flashing a grin.

Seungcheol smiled back, feeling grateful for Soonyoung's support.

"Yeah, I'd say so too."

"So, about that party..." Soonyoung trailed off, looking at him expectantly.

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow. "What party?"

Soonyoung walked over to a window, his eyes taking in the view of the city below.

"One of my friends is having a dinner party tonight. It's nothing too crazy- just a few people getting together for some good food and conversation. Not like a college party or anything."

Seungcheol couldn't help but feel intrigued.

He rarely had the opportunity to socialize outside of work, and the idea of meeting new people sounded appealing.

"Sounds fun. Who else is going?"

Soonyoung turned back towards him, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, there's me, you, Jihoon and some others you don't know."

- Time skip -

Seungcheol was filled with a sense of thrill and anticipation as he made his way with his friends to the party.

The idea of letting loose and having some fun after a long week of work sounded incredibly appealing.

The party was indeed a formal dinner party, complete with elegantly dressed guests and a sumptuous spread of food.

The atmosphere was electric, with lively chatter and the clinking of glasses filling the air.

Soonyoung, the social butterfly, quickly led Seungcheol and Jihoon to a group of people who were deep in conversation by one of the dining tables.

As they approached the group, Seungcheol couldn't help but notice one particular individual who stood out amongst the crowd.

The man was dressed in a stunning, high-quality suit, patterned with intricate designs. His outfit was further complemented by a collection of luxurious accessories, including a gold watch, gold bracelet, gold necklace, several rings, and a brooch.

It was impossible not to be drawn to him.

"Soonyoung, how are you?" the man greeted with a firm handshake.

"I want to introduce you to my friends over here," Soonyoung said, gesturing towards Seungcheol and Jihoon. "This is Jihoon, the director at 17Carat. He's a genius at work."

The man was called, extended his hand towards Jihoon, and the two exchanged a friendly handshake.

"And this is Seungcheol, the one and only CEO of 17Carat," Soonyoung announced, proudly introducing Seungcheol to the group.

Both, the man and Seungcheol, shook hands firmly, sizing each other up with a smile.

Seungcheol felt a sense of pride swell inside him at the mention of his company.

"Seungcheol, Jihoon, this is Junhui-" Soonyoung started to say, but was quickly interrupted by the man himself.

"Just call me Jun," Junhui interjected with a grin. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Seungcheol couldn't help but feel a sense of ease around Jun, despite the man's impressive appearance and obvious accomplishments.

He was struck by how genuine and warm Jun seemed to be, despite his obvious success.

"Jun works at Shining Diamond. He's the one who hooked us up with the drinks and location," Soonyoung added, as if to emphasize the important role that Jun had played in ensuring the success of the evening.

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