I Can't Accept

224 7 2

[Third person POV]

Mingyu took a deep breath as he stood in front of the prison, preparing himself for a difficult conversation he was about to have.

Inside the prison's visiting area, Mingyu sat across from Wonwoo, who looked tired and annoyed by his presence.

Mingyu's heart ached at the sight. He still feels immense guilt for everything he's put his friend through over the past few years.

"I can bail you out, Wonwoo," Mingyu offered, his voice filled with genuine concern and urgency. "It's not your fault. I was the one who manipulated you into helping me with that plan to take back Jeonghan."

Mingyu felt tears welling up. Unable to bring himself to look at the older in the eyes, he put his head down. "Please just... Let me get you out of there.."

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, his expression stoic. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm gonna have to pass on that," he replied calmly. "Prison has given me time to reflect on my actions and the choices I made. I realize now that I have to start living for myself."

Mingyu frowned, feeling a mix of guilt and regret. "I'm so sorry, Wonu. I never intended for things to turn out this way."

Both stayed silent for a few seconds. Mingyu sniffled before looking at Wonwoo with sad eyes.

Wonwoo sighed, his gaze softening. "I know you didn't mean for it to go this far, but I can't deny my part in it. I wanted you to see me for who I am, to see that I cared deeply for you," he admitted.

"I should have realized my feelings for you before things got out of hand. I was so focused on my obsession with Jeonghan that I didn't see what was right in front of me," Mingyu confessed, his heart heavy with the weight of his realization.

Wonwoo gave a sad smile. "It's not your fault that you didn't reciprocate my feelings," he paused. "I shouldn't have held on for so long.. I should've at least told you how I felt, but.."

Mingyu lowered his head, feeling a pang of regret for the pain he caused Wonwoo. "I wish I could have seen it sooner. Maybe things wouldn't have ended up like this."

As they sat in the somber atmosphere of the prison visiting area, Mingyu realized that he still cared deeply for Wonwoo, even if it wasn't in the way Wonwoo had hoped. He wished he could turn back time and prevent the chain of events that led to this moment.

Wonwoo, on the other hand, had come to terms with his feelings for Mingyu and the reality of their situation. He had found peace within himself, even if it led to his own downfall.

As Mingyu's car eased into his driveway, the sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the suburban landscape.

Just as he was about to shut off the engine, his phone chimed. He grabbed the device from the passenger seat and glanced at the screen to see it was from Vernon.

Initially, Mingyu's reaction was nonchalant. He assumed it was Vernon wanting to ask about how to use his new oven.... again.

He let out an almost inaudible sigh as he tapped on the message.

However, as he read the text, his eyes widened.

Without a second thought, Mingyu tossed his phone onto the passenger seat. He slammed his foot on the gas pedal, nearly rolling over the edge of his lawn as he hastily pulled out of the driveway; not wanting to waste any time in going to see his friend.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I Guessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن