It's Time To Move On

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[Jeonghan's POV]

Today has been one of the most unexpected and terrifying days of my life.

I never would have thought that I would be kidnapped, yet here I am, unsure of where I am and what is going to happen to me.

My captors blindfolded me after they whisked me away in their car, leaving me with a throbbing headache that refuses to subside.

As I sit here, I can only assume that I am tied to a chair, although it is surprisingly comfortable.

I can hear faint noises in the background, but it is impossible to tell where they are coming from or what they mean.

As the minutes tick by, my mind races with possibilities.

Who tf did I cross to make them do this to me??? Is it my old landlord or something??

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching.

Fear grips me, and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

A hand reaches out and lifts my chin, and I can feel someone's breath on my face. My captor's hand caresses my cheek, and their thumb brushes against my lips.

Who is this person? What do they want from me?

The silence is deafening until suddenly, a voice breaks through the stillness.

"No wonder he wants you so badly," the person says.

My heart stops.

Who is "he"? And why does he want me so badly?

My thoughts are interrupted by sudden shouting. "Don't you fucking dare touch him," a new voice barks.

I flinch at the sudden outburst, unsure of what is going to happen next. "Sorry boss," my captor murmurs.

As I sit here, blindfolded and tied to this chair, my mind races with possibilities.

Who are these people? What do they want from me? And most importantly, will I ever make it out of here alive?

The uncertainty is overwhelming, and I can only pray that I will be able to find a way out of this situation and back to safety.

"Leave, before I do something you wouldn't like." The person who I assume is the mastermind behind this said.

My breathing got heavier, hearing him approach me.

"Angel, I'm sorry it had to come to this."

Wait- Angel?!

"Mingyu?!" I exclaimed, my eyes watery.

The man took my blindfold off, "hi baby boy."

"You sick freak! How could you?! Why would you?!"

He chuckled slightly. "You're so cute when you're angry."

I started crying. I couldn't stop.

"Boss, I have some news." Someone said as they walked in.

I looked up to see-

"Not now Wonwoo."

Mingyu turned to look at him.

"Jun's out."

Jun?! As in Wen Junhui? No- it can't be- he's not-

"What? Did he get killed or something?" Mingyu scoffed, "too bad." He shrugged.

The Mingyu I knew was a jerk, yes. But this? Not this....

"No, he's not. He told me to tell you that the deal is off. He-"

Mingyu crossed his arms.

"Then just do what we've discussed."

Wonwoo walked closer to Mingyu.

"Gyu, don't you think this should be a wake up call? Maybe you shouldn't-"

Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo by his shirt.

"What's going on with you these days? This whole operation you've been backing me up, but now suddenly you're acting like this?!"

Mingyu put Wonwoo down, "leave too then. Leave and let Vernon and I handle this."

Vernon too?! Seungkwan's been dating one of Mingyu's goons?!

Wonwoo approached me, "Gyu, move on." He said, untying me.

"What are you doing?!"

Wonwoo pulled out a gun, pointing it at the taller.

I was untied now, but I still couldn't move. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

"Gyu, please for the love of everything good in this world, just MOVE ON!"

Wonwoo kept moving closer to Mingyu, Mingyu backing away.

"Wonwoo, relax- put that down."

"I won't relax! You know why?!"

He paused.

"Because I only did this for you! I backed you up cus I thought that eventually you'd let this poor boy go. That you'd forget about him!"

"What're you trying to say?"

Vernon then walked in, his hands in his pockets.

He noticed that I wasn't blindfolded and that I wasn't tied anymore.

I looked at him, my eyes burning with anger.

It's over for him when I'm out of here.

"Um- what's going on-"

"I'll tell you what's going on. Jun left the operation, he doesn't wanna go through with the deal anymore. And I'm doing something that I should've done a while back."

Wonwoo then gave Vernon his gun.

"Non, just take Jeonghan home."

"Got it." Vernon grabbed my hand, "I'll explain everything, I promise."

We left.

As we were walking out of the seemingly abandoned building, I heard something break.

Vernon started running, grabbing my hand tightly, as I run behind him.

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