Soonyoung And Friends

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[Third person POV]

It's now the morning of the pool party and everyone's getting ready, since they leave in a couple hours.

Jeonghan and Seungkwan decided to have a video call to get ready together.

Seungkwan held up two towels, one navy blue and the other indigo. "Do I go with the navy blue or the indigo?" he asked, displaying them to the camera.

Jeonghan playfully rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what Seungkwan's choice would be. "Kwanie, you always end up picking the navy blue. Why bother asking when you already know your answer?"

Chuckling mischievously, Seungkwan responded, "If I were over at your house right now, you'd probably have a black eye for that comment."

Nonetheless, he proceeded to fold the navy blue towel and pack it in his bag, confirming Jeonghan's prediction.

Their lively conversation continued as they busied themselves with their preparations. They chatted about the party and debated which snacks to bring.

Time seemed to fly by as they enjoyed each other's company, as it's now been an hour later.

"Hannie, don't forget your sunscreen," Seungkwan reminded Jeonghan, knowing his friend's tendency to forget it. "You always end up borrowing mine."

Jeonghan reached for the sunscreen on his dresser and smiled. "What would I do without you, Kwanieee?" He said, placing the sunscreen in his bag.

"Get sunburned, of course. And then you'd come running to me for aloe vera gel!"

They spent another half hour on the call, building anticipation for the pool party.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol was getting ready to head out the door, when he got a call.

"Hey Jihoon, what's up?"

However, instead of a cheerful tone, Jihoon's voice on the other end seemed heavy with a sigh.

Seungcheol's brows furrowed with concern as he sensed something was wrong.

"I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it to the party," Jihoon confessed.

Seungcheol immediately set down his things and returned to his living room, sinking onto the couch. "Wait, what do you mean?" he asked.

Jihoon's voice carried a tinge of guilt as he explained, "I completely forgot that my parents were coming into town to visit. They called earlier, and I... I didn't realize the timing would clash with the party."

A mixture of disappointment and understanding washed over Seungcheol.

"Don't worry," Seungcheol reassured his friend. "I'll explain everything to Soon. I'm sure he'll understand."

Jihoon let out a frustrated huff, his guilt weighing heavily on him. "He's gonna hate me," he muttered. "He was so excited for the party. He told me all of his plans, and now I'm not even going."

"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself," he urged, his voice gentle yet firm. "Soon will understand. I'm sure of it."

"Thanks, dude. I appreciate it. I just feel terrible about canceling at the last minute."

Seungcheol offered comforting words, trying to cheer his friend up. "I promise, everything will be okay. We'll miss you, but I'm sure Soon will plan more parties all through summer anyways."

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat