That Snake!

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[Third person POV]

"Jeonghan- fuck-" low moans escape Seungcheol's lips as he kisses his way, down, along Jeonghan's delicate neck, thrusting into him.

Jeonghan hands in Seungcheol's hair, gripping onto it tightly, his heavy breaths filling the air. "S-Seungcheol," Jeonghan gasped.

A few days had passed since he saw Seungcheol with Fae at the mall, and Jeonghan was desperately trying to distract himself from thoughts of Seungcheol's ex-lover.

Engaging in various activities late into the night, he hardly spent any time at home, taking care of his plants and seeking an escape in other distractions.

However, as he started to run out of ideas for things to do, he found himself irresistibly drawn to Seungcheol's mansion. More specially, his bedroom.

Perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision to visit when he was attempting to forget about any involvement with Fae, but that didn't stop Jeonghan from acting on his impulse.

Joshua and Dokyeom were off on a road trip, which Jeonghan didn't wanna go on- he didn't wanna thirdwheel. Seungkwan was occupied with work, and Minghao just didn't answer his calls or texts. Jeonghan felt as though he had no other viable choice.

Besides, how could he turn down good- no, amazing sex with Seungcheol?

"Angel, what's weighing on your mind?" Seungcheol asked, his gaze fixed on Jeonghan.

Looking up at Seungcheol, his messy hair, tears streaming down his face, Jeonghan panted heavily before responding. "Nothing," he managed to say.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I not-" Seungcheol questioned, wondering if wasn't satisfying Jeonghan.

Cutting him off gently, Jeonghan reassured him, "It's not you, Cheolie." Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, he continued, "There's just a lot on my mind right now."

Seungcheol leaned in to kiss Jeonghan. "If you want, we can talk about it. I'm always here to listen," he offered with a warm smile, his fingers delicately brushing Jeonghan's hair away from his face.

Jeonghan could hear the pounding of his own heart echoing in his ears, the sensation of it threatening to burst out of his chest.

God, I hate him... Why did it have to be him?!

Almost instinctively, Jeonghan found himself pulling Seungcheol closer. "Cheolie, I want you," he confessed.

He doesn't even know why he's saying this so suddenly, but it felt right.

"I want you too, Angel," Seungcheol responded before kissing the younger, again.

Breaking away slightly, Jeonghan hesitated, slightly anxious for what he's about to say. "I mean... I... I want us to be exclusive," he said, unsure whether Seungcheol reciprocated his feelings or if he was merely being led on, used like he had been in the past.

Jeonghan would rather face rejection than endure another version of Mingyu.

"I know. I want you too," Seungcheol reassured him, smiling as he said so.

Jeonghan gazed at Seungcheol, his eyes widen slightly. "Really?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Seungcheol nodded, stroking Jeonghan's hair.

Blushing, Jeonghan bit his lip nervously, mustering up the courage to voice his next question. "Then... Are we...?"

Before he could even try to process everything, Seungcheol responded by thrusting into Jeonghan once again, causing the younger to grip his shoulders tightly and arch his back in pleasure.

[Time skip]

Jeonghan and Seungcheol are sitting in bed, cuddling. Seungcheol stroking Jeonghan's hair, as he leans his head on his shoulder.

The two sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company, for a half hour, before the silence broke.


Seungcheol got up immediately, putting his boxers and robe on and going downstairs, leaving Jeonghan confused, but worried, in bed.

Seungcheol's foot steps echoed throughout the main area of the mansion, as he frantically raced to find Chan.

He stopped by the kitchen, where he saw Chan standing by the door.

"Chan, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asks, as he inpected him, trying to understand what could've happened.

Chan hands over a piece of paper, he said he found by the front door.

Seungcheol unfolded it and read it.

That bitch wouldn't fucking dare-

Seungcheol crumbled the piece of paper, throwing it in the trash.

Chan looked at Seungcheol, confused.

Seungcheol, then, strong back upstairs, trying to calm himself before going back in his room.

Chan picks up the piece of paper and reads it, his eyes widen as he reads it.

That snake!

"I knew there was no way she would change..." Chan said to himself with a slight frown on his face.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I Guessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن