No More Chances

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[Third Person POV]

Jeonghan ran with tears streaming down his face. He's been running for at least half an hour now. His legs hurt like hell, but that's the least of his worries at the moment.

As he was about to start getting his hair done, he got a text- simingly- from Seungcheol, but it wasn't him.


Cheolie: hey Jeonghan

Cheolie: hope you're doing fine, we haven't talked for a while.

*Cheolie sent a photo*

If he could unsee the photo, he would. It completely broke him. Seeing Seungcheol- someone he supposedly wanted to distance himself from- tied to a chair, beat up and bleeding from his forehead, it was too much. Way too much.

He wants to move on, but that doesn't even matter anymore. On his way, he called the police and wasted no time in following the address he was sent.

It looked like an old, dirty, moldy warehouse. Like it was a breeding ground for crimes and hepatitis.

To his luck, however, he slipped over some coffee someone had threw on the ground. Though, he got up quickly, hissing slightly at the sudden pain in his knee.

Soon, he reached the location, completely out of breath and tears staining his face.

He walks in, limping on his right leg.

Not knowing where to go, he just kept walking toward where there were lights- assuming that's where Seungcheol is being held.

Jeonghan was right. After a couple minutes of walking, he spots Seungcheol tied to a chair with his head down- unconscious.

His eyes widened, realizing this was actually true. He was actually seeing this with his own eyes. The weird part is that it's not the kidnapping that shocked him, it's seeing Seungcheol so helpless and beat up.

Someone like him doesn't just get easily this physically hurt. Jeonghan suspects that he was probably beat up after he was put unconscious.

Shaking the suspicions from his head, he rushed to him. Falling to his knees, forgetting for a moment that he injured himself, causing him to hiss from the sharp pain.

"Seungcheol- Seungcheol, please wake up-" he sobbed, holding the man's face in his hands, hoping that he'll just open his eyes and be fine.

Even Mingyu wasn't this cruel... Asshole-

He pulls Seungcheol into a tight hug, crying on his shoulder, stroking his hair, still in disbelief. "I beg you- wake up, Cheolie-"

"He's not YOUR Cheolie! He's mine!"

Jeonghan flinched from the sudden yelling- the echo making it worse. His heart raced as he recognized who the voice belonged to. He figured it was Fae, but he was praying she wasn't the one doing this.

He wasnted to believe that she wasn't THAT crazy, but- once again- he was proven wrong.

With a deep breath, he looked back at her. She was standing not too far from them. She looked manic. Out of her mind and breathing way too heavily for his liking- like she's coming down from an adrenaline rush after killing someone.

His breath hitched as he watched her get closer, pointing a finger at him with big, soulless eyes.

"You- if you just stayed out of my business-"

"WE'D STILL BE HERE, FAE!" He shouted back, interrupting whatever blame she was trying to put on him.

She then gripped his hair, pulling him up to her level. "You have no right telling me what to do."

Jeonghan couldn't do anything- he physically couldn't bring himself to move or speak. All he could do was to stare at her with fear and concern in his eyes.

Fae chuckled at his reaction- lack of. She then proceeds to throw him down on the ground, at Seungcheol's feet.

What's taking the police so long?!

Jeonghan didn't know what to do. He was panicking. Really panicking; wondering if he'll even make it out of this alive.

His eyes went back and forth between Fae and Seungcheol.

Out of nowhere, Fae pulls out a lighter and cigar.

Why didn't lung cancer get to her first, before she went insane?

He watched as she took a long drag of her cigarette, then tossing it on the ground, crushing it with her foot.

"Please-" Jeonghan pleaded.

Fae turned to look at him, the lighter still in her hand.

There was a smugness now on her face, but that quickly changed when the sound of police sirens approached the warehouse.

As Jeonghan was starting to feel relieved, his eyes widened as Fae threw her lighter at the ropes that were holding Seungcheol.

Fae ran, but Jeonghan didn't care, he crawled over to Seungcheol and tried to extinguish the fire with his jacket.

"No! No! No! Come on!"

"Sir, step away from the fire!" He heard a police officer yell out, but he didn't listen. They can try to pry him away from Seungcheol, but he won't budge.

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