It's Not What It Looks Like

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[Third person POV]

Later that day, as the weight of the events that had transpired earlier pressed heavily on Jeonghan's heart, he made the decision to talk to Joshua about it.

Though he knew that he could confide in Seungkwan or Minghao, he felt that Joshua was the one person who could truly understand him in that moment.

With his mind set, Jeonghan quickly made his way to Joshua's apartment, hoping to find him there.

He rang the doorbell and waited for an answer, but nothing.

Was Joshi not home?

Just as he was about to give up and call Joshua, the door suddenly opened, revealing not Joshua, but Dokyeom.

"Kyeom?" Jeonghan greeted him with a surprised smile.

"Oh hi, Rose. What's up?" Dokyeom replied, returning the smile.

Jeonghan and Dokyeom had only recently become friends, but they had quickly grown close.

After their initial meeting, the two had spent quite a bit of time together, talking about everything from their favorite foods to their deepest fears.

And although Jeonghan was somewhat puzzled by Dokyeom's nickname for him, at first, he had grown accustomed to it over time.

The reason for the nickname was simple: whenever Jeonghan would visit Smile Flower, he would always make a beeline for the roses first.

White, pink, red- it didn't matter. He loved them all equally.

He loved tulips, sunflowers, lilies, orchids, daffodils and more- alike, but roses were definitely his favorite.

And so, in Dokyeom's eyes, Jeonghan had become "Rose," a nickname that had stuck with him ever since.

As Jeonghan stood there in front of Joshua's apartment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment at not finding his friend there.

But at the same time, he felt a growing sense of comfort in the presence of Dokyeom, who had quickly become a close confidant and trusted friend.

"Actually, I was looking for Joshua," Jeonghan said, hoping that Dokyeom might have some idea of his friend's whereabouts.

Dokyeom shook his head. "Sorry, Rose. He won't be back for a while. He went out to buy a few things."

Jeonghan felt disappointed, but he tried not to let it show. "That's alright. Thanks anyway, Kyeom."

Dokyeom smiled understandingly. "Anytime. And hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you."

Jeonghan nodded, feeling grateful for the offer. "Thanks, Kyeom. I appreciate it."

As Jeonghan was walking away, "wait-"

Jeonghan turned around to look at Dokyeom.


"You can come in and wait if you want. Joshua definitely wouldn't mind."

Jeonghan smiled, and accepted Dokyeom's offer, heading inside.

For the next hour or so the two were chatting while watching a movie.

The movie after a while was just background noise for their conversations and jokes.

Ever since their first meeting back at Sec17 Jeonghan couldn't help but notice how contagious Dokyeom's smile is.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora