Pool Party

306 11 19

[Soonyoung's POV]

The first week of June was almost over, so I decided to plan a pool party!

I'm gonna invite all of my closest friends and yes I mean EVERYONE.

Well, I narrowed down the list actually.

30 people was too much. I haven't had a party in so long and having 30 people all of a sudden was a no.

And to make sure I didn't forget any of them, I wrote them down;

1) Jihoon <3333

2) Seungcheol (no fun)

3) Minghao (fashion icon)

4) Jun (wingman)

5) Dokyeom (drunk buddy)

6) Seungkwan (Bootiful)

I did think about having everyone bring a plus one as well, so I made a group chat to send everyone the details.




Prince: when??

Horangi: this Saturday at 1pm!

RubyZi: No can do.

Horangi: what?! Why??

RubyZi: I'm going to Campfire Cafe, duh

ChillCheol: bro you're going, duh

BOOyonce: Nonnie and I aren't gonna be working that day sooooo have fun on your own :)

Haohao: Nonnie? Also Idk if I can

BOOyonce: Nonnie aka HVC aka my bf<3333333

Sunshine: OMG POOL PARTY?!

Prince: someone's late lmao

Horangi: YEAH! Andddddd you guys can bring a plus oneeee *wink wink* *cough* bfs *cough*

Haohao: how does one punch someone through a screen?

BOOyonce: I'M 10000000% BRINGING NONNIE!!!

RubyZi: if you're gonna force me to go, at least introduce everyone, cus who tf are half of you people.

Horangi: stop being so moody!

Sunshine: let's all introduce ourselves and send a photo!

BOOyonce: Omg- I gotta fix my hair first

ChillCheol: I'll go first. I'm Seungcheol and here's me rn



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