An Angel

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I really wasn't thinking at all.... I wasn't using my brain- I need to keep my dick in my pants.

Soonyoung was in a panic. They had a major problem on their hands- they had wasted the model's time by telling him to wait. He knew that couldn't just tell him the truth, but they couldn't lie either. That would make them look unprofessional, it would ruin their reputation!

"I don't know what to do," Soonyoung said, wringing his hands nervously. "We can't just tell him he was waiting for nothing. I don't want us to seem unprofessional."

Seungcheol sat quietly, thinking. He knew they needed a solution fast.

Suddenly, Seungcheol stood up.

"I'll tell him that he's been selected for the job," he said confidently.

Soonyoung and Jihoon looked at him in shock. "Cheol, are you insane?!" Jihoon asked. "We can't do that!"

Soonyoung nodded vigorously in agreement. "Yeah, what about the other castings? We'd seem even more unprofessional!"

Seungcheol sighed. "Okay, look, I wasn't going to admit it, but I wasn't paying attention to his turn," he said timidly.

Jihoon rolled his eyes. "You think we didn't notice you drooling all over him? You're not exactly subtle, Cheol."

Seungcheol blushed, embarrassed at being caught. "Yeah, it was pretty obvious that you liked him a little too much," Soonyoung added.

Seungcheol couldn't deny it. The model was an angel, how could he not stare?

But they still had a problem to solve. So Seungcheol decided to come clean.

"Okay, here's what we'll do," he said. "I'll just tell him that we talked it over and it was decided that whether he gets this particular job or not, we want to discuss another opportunity for him to model for us."

Soonyoung and Jihoon both looked relieved.

"That's a good idea," Soonyoung said.

Jihoon nodded in agreement.

Seungcheol smiled, proud of himself for his quick thinking.

The trio all breathed a sigh of relief. They had managed to solve the problem without compromising their professionalism or integrity.

"Wait, one more thing before we tell him," Seungcheol said. "What's his name?"

The other two mentally facepalmed.

"Are you serious? You didn't even hear him introduce himself before you decided to day dream?" Soonyoung commented.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, "his name is Yoon Jeonghan. He's a model for 8styles."

Jeonghan, Yoon Jeonghan. What an Angel. I'mma have to google him after this.

"Earth to Seungcheol! Earth to Seungcheol!" Soonyoung waved his hand in front of Seungcheol's face, trying to get his attention.

Seungcheol, realizing he zoned out again, apologized. "Oh sorry. Uh- I'll just go tell him."

And with that, he went out into the waiting area, leaving his friends behind.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I Guessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें