Got Caught pt1

462 21 17

- Time skip -

[Third person POV]

The two decided to head out early, making up and excuse about Jeonghan not feeling well.

Minghao offered to take him home, but then got dragged into singing another song.

So the two were now at Seungcheol's mansion.

As they stepped inside, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a bit awestruck. The place was huge and elegantly decorated. "Wow, you're loaded," he said, amazed.

Seungcheol chuckled, "yeah, I do alright."

Jeonghan followed Seungcheol into the living room. "So you live here alone?"

Seungcheol took his shoes off, answering, "no, I live with my dog and my son, but they're staying at a friend's house tonight."

Jeonghan's eyes widened as he took off his shoes. "Your son?!"

Seungcheol laughed, "he's not technically my son, but I see him as my own."

"Ohh.. That's really cute actually."

Seungcheol was caught off guard by Jeonghan's comment. "Thank you," he said with a smile.

Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Seungcheol, "didn't know you had a soft side like that."

Seungcheol picked Jeonghan up, leading both of them upstairs to his bedroom.

He layed him down gently on his bed, looking into his eyes. "You get more gorgeous by the second."

Jeonghan blushed. "Thank you~ You're not too bad yourself," he said, looking away slightly.

Seungcheol found it cute how shy Jeonghan got all of a sudden.

He started stroking Jeonghan's hair, making the younger moan slightly.

"Someone's sensitive," whispered Seungcheol in the other's ear.

"I've always liked having my hair played with~" Jeonghan admitted with a small smile.

Seungcheol started kissing down Jeonghan's neck, stopping at his collarbone.

Jeonghan was already moaning quite loudly- at least to Seungcheol's standard- and it made him want to fuck him so hard he couldn't walk the next day.

Jeonghan grabbed Seungcheol's hair, "please- ah-"

With that, they started making out again, only this time there was no one to ruin it.

Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan's waist, bringing him closer- if that was even possible at this point.

Jeonghan moaned into the kiss, unbuttoning the older's shirt.

He pulled away slightly, "fuck- you're ripped."

Although he couldn't help but notice Seungcheol's impressive physique while they were making out in the bathroom, the intense tension and alcohol made it difficult for him to fully appreciate it all.

Seungcheol chuckled slightly, "ya like it?"

Jeonghan nodded, drooling slightly over the sight in front of him.

He then looks up at Seungcheol, "I could tell you worked out but wow-"

Seungcheol took his shirt off completely, grabbing Jeonghan's hand and guiding it to his pecs.

Jeonghan gulped slightly.

"It's all yours tonight, Angel," said Seungcheol, with a deep voice that made Jeonghan melt.

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