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[Seungcheol's POV]

Jeonghan and I haven't spoken since that day.

It's not like we had either other's personal contact information.

But the point is that I didn't make an effort to even try and contact him.

And after Chan catching us in bed together, I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same.

Just forget about it, right? No need to do anything else. What's the point?

Chan still hasn't come home, I've tried to call and text him, but nothing.

I'm worried sick; can't sleep, can't eat, can't focus on work and just over all a mess.

He's my son. Blood relation doesn't matter, he's still my son.

A couple days ago, I went to his mother's house to see if he might've been staying there for a while.

But again, to no avail, he wasn't there.

Miss Lee told me that last she heard from him he told her that he was gonna be taking time for himself and then dropped Kkuma off at her house.

I took Kkuma back with me that day.

I fucked up. Big time.

This whole week I've been hoping that he was at Vernon's house.

Although I haven't really seen Vernon either.

I've been going to Campfire Cafe everyday in the morning to see if he's working that day, but Seungkwan kept telling me that he wasn't feeling well or some other excuses.

So today, I'm going to Sec17 to see if any of his professors have seen him at all this past week.

I couldn't bring Kkuma with me, so I called Jihoon to say with her at home.

Luckily he wasn't busy and came over as soon as he could.

When I got to Sec17, I walked through the halls looking for a specific class that Chan would always talk about.

History class.

I couldn't find it though.

So I stopped someone and asked them.

"Excuse me-"

The person turned around, only for them to be-


"Jeon Wonwoo? What, what're you doing here?"

Wonwoo and I were never really friends, but we weren't strangers either.

We used to get paired up for projects, back in highschool, and would sometimes go home together, since we lived close to each other.

But that was it.

"I'm here, cus they wanted me to check the condition of the books and take back a few books I let them have for a while."

Wonwoo was always into reading, it wasn't his only hobby, but it seemed to be the most time consuming one.

If he wasn't seen with a book in his hands, students would ask if he was doing ok or not.

Everyone knew him. He was very recognizable for an introverted guy.

Over time, his love for books didn't die down and eventually started working as a librarian.

"Oh I see, well can you help me with something before you go?"

He led me to the lecture hall that Chan takes history in.

I was far away from it and without Wonwoo I would've gone even further away.

There was no one else really around, so he was my only hope.

"Thanks Wonwoo, really, I owe you one."

"Don't mention it, happy to help."

I knocked on the door and heard someone on the other side telling me to come inside.

I walked in and saw a tall brunette man in a brown suit packing up some paper.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

He asked me without looking at me, preoccupied with packing up.

I walked over to him, "sorry for the bother, but I'm just wondering if Chan has been going to class."

"Chan? No he hasn't-"

He paused after turning around to face me.

"Wait are you-?" He looked at me shocked. "Choi Seungcheol? The CEO of 17Carat?!"

I nodded and then he said something that shocked me.

"Wow, first Yoon Jeonghan barges in my class and now Choi Seungcheol?! What a year!"

Wait? Jeonghan??? Why would Jeonghan come here?? Does he also know someone who goes here?

"Where are my manners, I'm Lee Seokmin, but you can just call me Dokyeom. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Dokyeom."

"So why are you looking for Chan?"

I sighed and explained, "he lives with me, I'm sort of his guardian in a way."

"Wow, that's interesting. But yeah, I haven't seen him. I was getting worried actually."

As I listened to Dokyeom's words, my heart sank.

Chan hadn't been attending his classes, and no one had seen him in days. I knew I had to find him soon before something terrible happened.

"Thank you for your help, Dokyeom. If you hear anything, please let me know."

We exchanged phone numbers, in case.

"Of course, I will keep an eye out for him."

I left the lecture hall feeling even more worried than before.

Where could Chan be? I hope he's okay....

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but wonder about Jeonghan.

But I pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that finding Chan was my priority.

I decided to head back to Campfire Cafe, hoping that maybe Vernon or Seungkwan had heard from Chan.

When I got there, Seungkwan told me that Vernon was off that day, but he hadn't heard anything from Chan either.

Feeling frustrated and helpless, I ordered a coffee and sat at the cafe for a few minutes.

As I sipped my drink, I realized that I needed to come up with a plan to find Chan. I couldn't just sit around waiting for him to come home.

As I got out of my seat, my phone rang.

I picked up, "Jihoon what's-"

"Chan came home just now!"

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