Hot Pizza

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[Third person POV]

Soonyoung opened the door and his sadness turned to confusion as he saw a pizza delivery man at the door.

"I think you got the wrong house. I didn't order any pizza," said Soonyoung, confusion in his voice.

The man then took out a note from his pocket and gave it to Soonyoung.

He took the note and read it; "One large pepperoni pizza and one large mixed pizza for Kwon Soonyoung."

Soonyoung started getting weirded out and turned around to look at his friends to see if any of them ordered the pizzas.

However, they all responded with shrugs, equally clueless about the unexpected pizzas.

Returning his gaze to the delivery man, Soonyoung voiced his confusion, scratching his head. "I'm sorry, but no one here ordered these pizzas."

The delivery man suddenly burst into laughter, his amusement echoing through the air.

He casually sidestepped Soonyoung and proceeded to walk past him, making his way into the villa.

A perplexed Soonyoung closed the door behind him.

Everyone else also entered the living room where the delivery man had placed the pizzas on the table.

Minghao crossed his arms and glared at the man. "Excuse me, but barging into someone's house is not acceptable behavior."

The man settled onto the couch, his laughter subsiding as he wiped away the tears from his eyes.

Seungkwan, feeling a surge of fear, sought refuge behind Vernon, whispering in a trembling voice, "Do you think he's going to harm us? I'm scared, Nonnie."

Vernon positioned himself protectively, extending his arm to keep Seungkwan at a safe distance. "Listen, buddy, if you don't leave, we're calling the police."

At that moment, the delivery man stood up and removed his hat and mask, revealing his identity.

Soonyoung's eyes widened in surprise, and without hesitation, he lunged at the man, tackling him onto the couch.

"JIHOON! YOU'RE HERE!" Soonyoung exclaimed with unbridled excitement, straddling the younger man.

Jihoon embraced Soonyoung tightly, reciprocating the affectionate gesture.

"My parents had made dinner reservations, but they had to leave earlier than expected. So I thought I'd surprise you," he explained.

Minghao, annoyed, scoffed and scolded Jihoon, "You're lucky I didn't throw you out of the house. I was very close to doing just that."

Seungkwan huffed, relief washing over him as he regained his composure. "I seriously thought I was going to die! You really scared me, you creep."

Vernon gently kissed Seungkwan's forehead and playfully ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, doll. It's ok now."

Jun fake puked at the nickname.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "Very mature of you~" he said, sarcastically.

Minghao punched Jun's arm, "you've said worse."

- Time skip -

"You asshole!" Seungkwan yelled, frustrated, as he was now in the pool.

Soonyoung couldn't help but burst into laughter at Seungkwan's misfortune.

"You should've watched your back, SeungkwAAAH!" he exclaimed as he suddenly fell into the pool.

Seungkwan, now wet and dripping, couldn't resist a grin as he watched Soonyoung resurface, water streaming down his face. "Karma," he snarked.

Soonyoung's eyes darted around the pool. His gaze locked onto Dokyeom, who stood by the pool.

Dokyeom laughed. "You should've watched your back, Soonyoung."

Annoyed, Soonyoung splashed water in Dokyeom's direction.


The trio stopped messing around as they heard someone yell.

They looked at Jeonghan, who was standing by Dokyeom.

Drops of water clung to Jeonghan's hair and clothes, leaving him slightly damp. He pouted and wrung out his shirt. "I just got dry..."

"Sorry, Hannie," said Seungkwan.

Seungcheol approached Jeonghan, a towel in his hand. His hands trembled ever so slightly as he began to gently dry Jeonghan off, his touch lingering longer than necessary.

As Seungcheol helped Jeonghan dry off, his mind began to wander, the towel moving almost on autopilot.

He found himself captivated by Jeonghan's beauty, the way the droplets of water clung to his delicate features, accentuating his ethereal charm.

Lost in his thoughts, Seungcheol's mind painted vivid images of him leaning in and pressing his lips against Jeonghan's, to taste the sweetness of the younger.

The imagined sensation consumed him, his heart pounding in his chest as he allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy.

He could almost feel the softness of Jeonghan's lips under his own, the warmth of their bodies melding together.

But just as Seungcheol's mind was consumed by the imagined make-out session, he jolted back to the present.

He fake coughed as he realized what he had allowed himself to envision.

Flustered and slightly disoriented, he quickly refocused his attention on drying Jeonghan, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.

Jeonghan, sensing the shift in Seungcheol's demeanor, looked up at him, biting his lips.

"Thanks, Cheol."

Seungcheol blushed. He then heard whistling coming from the pool and looked over to see Soonyoung.

Soonyoung winked at Seungcheol.

"Come on, Jeonghan. Let's go sit away from them so you can dry off," said Seungcheol as he glared at Soonyoung.

The two walked off, leaving the trio giggling.

"I bet 10 kitkat bars that they already made out," said Dokyeom.

"Oh you have no idea~" Soonyoung chuckled slightly.

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