Hold Me Tight

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[Third Person POV]

After his and Minghao's breakup, he's been out of it. Not talking much, acting a bit too reserved- compared to his usual self- and having one too many drinks.

It's a Thursday night, and Jun decided that, instead of working on getting his car fixed, he'd go to bar.

That alone didn't help, however, since him and Minghao would go this exact bar together. It hurt Jun to know that he fucked up so badly with his ex-boyfriend, but he can't go back and change what he did.

The more he didn't sip on his drink, the more he started to regain consciousness and thought more about what happened. He couldn't help it at this point; he just wanted it to go away. He wanted to wake up the next day and worry more about his hangover than his breakup.

He wanted, more than anything, to distract himself, but it all kept following him anywhere he went, whatever he did, it didn't stop coming back to him.

He ultimately decided on calling Soonyoung. He might be the only person he could talk to about everything and wouldn't immediately punch him in the face for how stupid he is. So, Soonyoung it is.

The two end up at Jun's place,with Soonyoung trying to sober him up- giving him water and told him to shower.

"You're such a dumbass, and that's coming from me!" Jun sighs, as he listens to the younger blabber about how he shouldn't drink his feelings away.

Jun knew it was bad, but that wasn't enough for him to not do it.

Jun lays back against the headboard of his bed and huffs. "I'll get you some water," said Soonyoung, before getting up from the bed.

Jun watched as he left the room and zoned out, thinking about what Minghao could be doing right now.

What if he already moved on?

What if he's with someone else?

Is he even thinking about me, like how I am??

"YOU WHAT?!" Soonyoung yelled as his eyes widened. Jun couldn't bare to look at his friend in the eyes. He couldn't bring himself to even look at himself in the mirror.

Soonyoung cupped Jun's face in his hands and looked at him with concern in his eyes. "You're serious, aren't you?" Jun could only bring himself to nod at the question.

Jun was prepared for the worst, but what he didn't expect was a tight hug.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Soonyoung asked with sadness in his voice, as he hugged the older tighter.

Jun eventually hugged him back. "I was stupid and desperate..." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say- without breaking down.

Soonyoung pulled away, tears threatening to fall. "I've known you for a long time, Jun. I know you're smarter than this..." Jun looked down in shame. "I'm here for you, ok?" Soonyoung reassured the older, before pulling him back into a warm embrace.

"You're still completely out of your mind though." He can't argue with that, even if he tried.

Agreeing to help Mingyu out with his obsession, just so he can get with Minghao, was probably the dumbest thing he's ever consciously did.

It wasn't even necessary in the end, since Minghao was the one to confess to him.

If I could just go back..

"You can't.." Jun looks at Soonyoung, confused. "You can't go back.. There's no point in thinking about that."

Jun sighed. "I said that out loud, huh?" Soonyoung nodded and rested his hand on his friend's shoulder.

[Jeonghan's POV]

Joshua and I are watching a movie, at my place. We were supposed to do so as couple hours ago, but he was with Kyeom.

I'm happy for them, really, I am.. But I want that too. I want to be out and about with my relationship.

I don't even know if Seungcheol wants an actual relationship. Yes, we've gone on "dates" and all that jazz, but it doesn't feel like an actual relationship.

It feels like I'm having a secret affair with him, behind his partner's back. That along with his ex, it just doesn't spark confidence in the future of our- whatever you wanna call it.

I don't wanna waste my time.. I don't wanna be played with again..

I leaned on Joshua's shoulder, seeking some form of comfort. "What is it this time?" He asked, pulling me closer.

I look up at him with big doe eyes. "Why do I always get the complicated relationships?" I ask, feeling tears welling up.

Without saying anything, Joshua pulls me into a tight hug. I can't help hurt cry as he strokes my hair. "I know you don't actually want an answer, but.." Before he could continue, I look at him desperately, "please just... Hug me, Joshi." That was all I could say before breaking down again, hugging him tighter.

"I'm here, darling. I'm here. Always."

It's true.. Joshua has been one of the only constants in my life. I put my life in his hands. If anything were to happen between us, it's break me into a million pieces.. I would never trust anyone ever again.. I wouldn't know how to live..

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ