Peace and Quiet? What's That?

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[Seungcheol's POV]

I turned around to see another unfamiliar face.

"Vernon! Get my usual I'm in a hurry!"

I grabbed my order and got back to my -not so sane- friends.

I'm a social person who can be very loud, but at this hour? Who has the energy? Well- Soonyoung, but he's just.... Soonyoung.

As I was about to drink my coffee, someone comes running into the cafe.

Do these people not know how to respect other people's peace and quiet???! It's too early for this!

As I sipped my coffee, I could feel the tension rising among us. Even Jihoon, who usually kept his composure, looked visibly annoyed.

This was not how we envisioned our peaceful morning hangout.

I glanced at Soonyoung, who seemed unfazed by the chaos around us. He was too engrossed in his cheesecake to care.

Oh how I wish to be like him sometimes. It would help keep my sanity.

- Time skip -

[Third person POV]

It's now 7:35am and the trio are now in the main 17Carat building.

Seungcheol in his office on the 13th floor. Sitting at his desk, not knowing what to do at the moment since he's waiting for a reply from another jewelry company about an offer for a collaboration.

The company is relatively small compared to 17Carat, but his team saw the potential in them. Seungcheol also had the chance to meet with the CEO of said company. She had an aura to her; very confident, organized and ambitious. He enjoyed talking to her about the potential collaboration and future plans for both companies.

I just have to be more patient.... Everything takes time.. Don't go crazy over this. It hasn't been that long of a wait... I think..

Seungcheol, completely lost in his thoughts, didn't hear the knocking on his office door.

He snaps out of it once the door creeks open.

"Seungcheol? Are you in here?"

Soonyoung peaks through the door, thinking that Seungcheol might've been on a call or an online meeting.

"Come in, sorry I didn't hear you"

He motions for Soonyoung to sit down right by his desk.

"There's good news and not-so-good news"

Seungcheol looked at Soonyoung slightly confused by his body language. He isn't as cheerful as he usually is, even when he did mention that there's good news. This worried Seungcheol.

"What's the good news?"

"We just heard back from Velvet and they agreed to the collaboration"

Seungcheol, although hearing the good news, felt uneasy.

Is there a condition to the collaboration? Do they want a different deadline? Is our design team not meeting their standard? They do have a different approach than we do- So many things could be wrong!

"The not-so-good news is.... Our main model left the country for personal reasons and it's going to be difficult to find someone who could replace her so soon."

Seungcheol took a deep breath, as to not let his frustration get to him. He needs be be calm in situations like this, especially as the CEO.

"We should hold castings as soon as possible then"

"I'll send an email to my team about this right away. But, when should the date be?"

"We'll be casting till Sunday. Starting today. From 12pm till 3pm."

With that, Soonyoung left to his office on the 5th floor.

Seungcheol leaned back against his chair with a heavy sigh.

There really is no peace today.... I hate Wednesdays....

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