Taken By Surprise

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Jeonghan found himself at Minghao's house, to take a break from whatever he just experienced.

He knew that he can count on Minghao go, at least, help him forget about it all. eeking solace in his friend's company

They settled down in the living room, engrossed in a movie they randomly found while scrolling through Netflix.

About midway through the movie, Minghao's phone rang, excusing himself, he left Jeonghan alone.

As time passed, Jeonghan was starting to get slightly worried that something might've happened to Minghao.

Unable to ignore his concern, Jeonghan decided to get up and look for him.

He quietly walked through the house, searching for any sign of his friend.

Then, as he passed by his room, he noticed the door slightly open. Curiosity getting the better of him, he peeked inside, only to see Minghao, still talking on the phone.

Jeonghan couldn't help but stay and listen in on what was keeping Minghao busy.

"Jun, babe, you're so dumb sometimes, I swear..." Minghao sighed, the words echoing in Jeonghan's mind.

His eyes widened.

Babe? Jun and Hao are...

He knew how close they are, but he didn't think it went past friendship.

Jeonghan's mind raced, replaying moments in his memory where he had seen Minghao and Jun together, wondering if there were hidden meanings behind their interactions.

Just as Jeonghan was about to go back downstairs, his mind overwhelmed with emotions, he heard Minghao. "I love you, Jun." And with that, he knew for sure that they were dating.

Jeonghan made his way back downstairs, his mind spinning with a mix of shock and confusion.

As Minghao rejoined him, Jeonghan attempted to move and pretend that he didn't hear anything, but he couldn't focus on the movie at this point.

Don't make it obvious, Jeonghan. Stay calm.

Why wouldn't he tell me? Did he even tell anyone? Do Jun's friends know?

Why did I have to get up. I hate myself.

As the evening wore on, Jeonghan's mind raced with thoughts, and he couldn't bear to keep it all to himself any longer. He excused himself and dialed Joshua's number. Joshua, always a calming presence, welcomed him into his apartment with open arms.

Jeonghan found himself in the kitchen, lost in his thoughts as him and Joshua made something to eat.

Jeonghan didn't want to burden Joshua with the exact details, so he settled for a vague explanation, saying he wasn't feeling well.

While Joshua attempted to cheer him up, Jeonghan couldn't help but notice the frequent glances at Joshua's phone and the occasional blush that colored his friend's cheeks. Curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking, "Who are you talking to, Josh? You seem happy."

Truthfully, he knew, but he wanted Joshua to admit to it, himself.

Caught off guard, Joshua stumbled over his words, flustered. "Oh, it's nothing, just a friend. Nothing important," he muttered, trying to deflect the question.

Hours passed, and it was now 10pm and Jeonghan bid Joshua goodbye.

When he got home, he showered, hoping that it would at least help clear his mind from everything that's happening around him.

Everything felt like it was happening so fast and he just couldn't keep up anymore. He felt burnt out.

But as he lay in bed, the weight of his thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, and sleep was no longer an option for comfort and escape.

And in a moment of vulnerability, Jeonghan reached for his phone and messaged Scoups, hoping for any time of support.

Unfortunately, it seemed like he wasnt gonna get a reply.

Disappointed by the lack of response, he sighed, feeling more alone than ever.

- Time skip -

The following day began like any other for Jeonghan, the routine helping to momentarily push aside all the changes happening in his life.

He found himself at Campfire Cafe, ordering his usual with a heavy sigh. The absence of Seungkwan and Vernon, weighed heavily on him.

He wasn't close to Vernon, but it seemed like the effects of their breakup didn't just affect Seungkwan.

The two we always so happy together, he just couldn't help but wonder where it all went wrong.

As Jeonghan sipped his lemonade, thoughts of Fae's words at the park replayed in his head, causing him to frown slightly.

He wanted to trust Seungcheol, but he still wondered whether his relationship with Seungcheol would end up mirroring the past, wondering if he would face the same disappointments.

Though he wants to try and stay optimistic, her words still lingered at the back of his mind.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessWhere stories live. Discover now