What's Wrong With Me?!

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[Third person POV]

Seungcheol stirred in his bed, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

He reached for his phone and squinted at the bright screen.

It was 2am.

He cursed under his breath, knowing that he had barely gotten any sleep.

He had been tossing and turning for hours, unable to quiet his thoughts; his mind was consumed with Jeonghan.

Jeonghan's perfect face, his honey-like voice, his beautiful long- perfectly styled- hair, and his body-

Fuck you, Jeonghan.

Seungcheol couldn't help but feel frustrated with himself for allowing Jeonghan to get under his skin so easily.

It's only Saturday now. They spoke on Thursday.

That's it. That's the only time they spoke, and it was only for 10 minutes.

Seungcheol sat up, his back against the headboard of his bed, letting out a long sigh, trying to clear his head of any thoughts of Jeonghan.

Closing his eyes, he tried to focus on his breathing to calm his racing heart, but every time he did, Jeonghan's face would appear.

As Seungcheol layed there, his breathing becoming more labored with each passing thought of Jeonghan, he couldn't help but feel frustrated with himself.

He knew he shouldn't let a model affect him so deeply, but Jeonghan was different.

There was something about him that Seungcheol couldn't quite put his finger on, something that drew him in like a moth to a flame.

He was consumed with the image of the angelic model, and the more he tried to resist, the stronger his desire for Jeonghan became.

His heart pounding in his chest, he knew that he was in deep trouble- He had fallen for Jeonghan, and there was no going back.

His breath hitched.

What's wrong with me?!

He bit his lips slightly, running his hand through his hair.

He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling.

He let out a groan, frustrated.

He didn't think Jeonghan got him this bad. But he did.

And before he could try and process anything, his hand found its way to his boxers.

"Shit-" he moaned.

He tried not to be too loud, as to not wake anyone up. Although, Chan and Kkuma slept on the second floor and him on the third- he couldn't help but be more cautious.

He wanted to get this over with.

[Seungcheol's POV]

I thought that, maybe if I jerk off, I'd feel better.

So I spat in my hand and started to slowly stroke my- now hard- cock.

I couldn't help but feel like what I'm doing is wrong, but God- did it feel good.

"Ah- fuck- Jeonghan-"

The thought having him in my bed with me, his hand replacing mine, it only made me more turned on.

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