It Isn't Over Yet

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[Third person POV]

Seungcheol paces around his living room, as Chan and Kkuma watch from the couch. "Dad?" Asked Chan, holding Kkuma close.

Seungcheol sighed, running his temples. "I- I don't know why I'm even... I just- I'm so stressed and.." Unable to properly explain what he's feeling, he falls back onto the couch.

He's been bottling everything up, for Chan's sake, but things have to end. All he wants is a happy family. He wants to rewind and just pretend like everything is alright.

"Chan, please forgive me.." Chan looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "For what?" He asks as he pets Kkuma. "You haven't done anything-"

"I invited Fae over." He blurted out, not even looking in his son's director. He doesn't wanna see the anger and disappointment in his expression.

Everything goes silent, even Kkuma seemingly uncomfortable. He knows he should've told him earlier, but he didn't know how to. Chan was out all day at the park and only came back a few minutes ago.

He didn't want to ruin his morning, but now he regrets not saying anything.

His face now buried in his hands as he tries to hold back his tears, he hears Chan get up and leave the room.

Seungcheol doesn't try to stop him or say anything more than he has; fearing that it'll just make things worse.

Probably not his best idea to invite her, but he is done. Completely over it all. This has been eating him alive and spitting him out for weeks and weeks now.

Thinking it over and over and over again, until he just couldn't take it anymore and called her over. He has the power to stop all of this. And this time, forever. Never will Face bother him or his loved ones ever again, and he'll make sure of it. Never will he let anyone, ever, make him feel trapped and lost again.

He's gonna be strong and in a better headspace. It's now or never for him to make things right.

Being almost 30 and still having the typical "crazy ex-girlfriend" problems, is not on his bucketlist.

Being almost 30 and having to deal with the trauma that she's put him and Chan through, is not something he's planning on dealing with.

Being almost 30 and letting a newly blooming relationship go, because of a girl he dated in his teens, is DEFINITELY NOT what he wants to happen.

Whatever happens in the next hour is all on him. It's a lot of pressure, but it's necessary.

The doorbell rang, bringing him out of his thoughts. He took a deep breath before heading toward the door.

When he opened the door, he saw her. She wore a soft, yellow sundress. He cringed internally at her attempt to seem sweet and innocent.

Fae barged in and sat on the couch. "So, I see you've finally come back to your senses, Cheol." She crosses her legs as he looks at him.

Clearing his throat, Seungcheol tries to collect himself. "Actually, I have something for you." Fae raised her eyebrows, unexpectedly. "Oh?"

Seungcheol took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. "Read it out," he said, trying to keep a steady tone.

Reluctantly, she unfolded the paper and started reading it our loud. "As of today, till the end of time, I'm putting my foot down and speaking up for my safety and the safety of my friends and family." She paused, confused, but continued reading. "I, Choi Seungcheol, will no longer let you- Fae Park- ruin and threaten mine and others' livelihood in favor of your own sick and twisted idea of fun." Furious, she stood and and glared at Seungcheol. "What is the meaning of this?!" She yelled, looking like she's about to strangle him.

"Look at the next page," he said, trying to keep his heart steady as she yelled.

With that, Fae flipped to the next page. He eyes widened as he realized it was a restraining order against her. "What the fuck, Seungcheol?!" She ripped the paper, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it.

"What is wrong with you?! A restraining order?! Are you fucking insane?!" If she was a cartoon, you could see the steam leaving her ears as her face got redder and redder from the frustration and anger that she's trying to control.

"I thought I couldn't, and I thought I was powerless in your presence, but no. I had enough evidence this whole fucking time and I was not gonna stand for it anymore!" He balled up his fists. "You made me feel worthless and took advantage of me for too long. I would've let it go, if it wasn't for the fact that you decided to come back into my life!"

After that, everything went blank.

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