Deja Vu

325 18 23

[Third person POV]

Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Jihoon had been planning their night out for a while, but it was Soonyoung who seemed to be the most enthusiastic about going to Shining Diamond.

In fact, he practically dragged Seungcheol and Jihoon along with him.

Jihoon, on the other hand, suggested a quiet evening at Campfire Cafe, while Seungcheol recommended going to a restaurant.

In reality, Seungcheol had other plans and was secretly planning to contact Jeonghan to see if he was available for a night out.

After that rainy Wednesday morning, the two exchanged phone numbers, and had been going on secret outings together.

They had to keep their meetings hidden, but that didn't stop Seungcheol from enjoying Jeonghan's company.

The trio were now sitting at the bar about to get their drinks, when Soonyoung saw a familiar figure.

It was the same man he had seen last time he was here, dressed in black attire with a ring on his pinky finger that stood out.

Soonyoung couldn't help but stare, curious to know more about the stranger.

However, as he watched the man approach the bar and pull out a pair of glasses from his pocket, Soonyoung quickly looked away, hoping that he hadn't been caught staring.

I hope he doesn't recognize me. Or worse- think I'm interested in him or something.

Before he could relax, his friend Jun interrupted him, "Soon, what can I get ya?"

Soonyoung looked up at his friend, who was drying a cup behind the bar, and said, "We'll all have an Asahi-"

"No, you two can have that. I'll get water."

Jihoon and Soonyoung looked at their friend like he was crazy.

Jun looked shocked himself, "water? You came to THE place for drinking, and you want water?" Jun scoffed and looked at Soonyoung, "Soon, get new friends."

Seungcheol glared at Jun, clearly not amused by his comment.

He then turned to Soonyoung and Jihoon and said, "I just don't feel like drinking tonight. Is that a problem?"

The trio got their drinks soon after and started having a good time.

"Jun, get Bunny and I something strong."

The trio stopped talking to look at the source of the order and saw Minghao and Jeonghan sitting by them.

Minghao noticed the three and said, "hey you three, didn't expect to see you here."

Jun then stood there and looked at his friends, "what a small world huh."

Seungcheol looked over at Jeonghan, his eyes lit up.

Jeonghan looked back blushing slightly.

They were trying not to be too obvious, however, Soonyoung knows and caught on pretty quickly.

The five were now sitting with each other, talking and drinking.

Then Seungcheol excused himself to go to the bathroom, Jeonghan followed him soon after.

Seungcheol had texted him to meet him there.

"Just like our first time, huh?" Seungcheol said, teasingly.

Seungcheol then pulled Jeonghan into one of the stalls.

"I missed you," he added, pulling Jeonghan into a passionate kiss.

Jeonghan kissed him back, their tongues exploring each other's mouths.

Seungcheol's hands roamed over Jeonghan's body, pulling him closer. He could feel the heat rising between them as he pressed his body against Jeonghan's.

His fingers traced down Jeonghan's waist, stopping at the growing bulge in his pants, as he kissed Jeonghan's neck.

Jeonghan moaned softly in response, arching his back as Seungcheol's hand moved down to his crotch.

He felt Seungcheol's fingers teasing him, causing his arousal to grow even more.

"I missed your pretty little mouth around my dick," Seungcheol whispered into Jeonghan's ear.

Jeonghan lightly punched Seungcheol on the arm, but they both laughed.

"May I?" Seungcheol asked, gesturing to Jeonghan's pants.

Jeonghan smiled and wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's neck, "be my guest~" he replied, eagerly.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessWhere stories live. Discover now