Midnight Thoughts

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"Correct! Now- I'm hungry, can you make me something? I haven't eaten since 2!"

[Third person POV]

Seungcheol was really tired. He was thinking about just having take out, but making Chan food is the least he can do, after what happened today.

"Hm.. Do you have anything in mind?"

Chan thinks for a couple seconds before heading into the kitchen. Seungcheol follows him soon after with a sigh.

I hope it's something easy to make..

"Oo~ we have blade steak!"


"Ok then, I'll get changed and start on that. You can go do whatever, I'll call you when it's ready, ok?"

Chan nodded and headed upstairs to his room. Assuming he's gonna play video games with his friends.

Seungcheol remembers when Chan used to do math homework while he waited for dinner. And how he'd interrupt him every few minutes or so to ask about how to solve logarithmic equations. Sometimes he'd even just sit at the kitchen bar writing an English paper, making it easier to bother Seungcheol with questions about what he thinks he should write.

It brought a smile to Seungcheol's face. All the memories he has and hopefully will continue to make.

He cherishes every moment, even the hardships.

- Time skip -

"Goodnight Chan."

The day is never complete without Seungcheol tucking Chan into bed, sitting beside him for a couple of minutes to make sure he tells him to rest well.

Ever since he took Chan as his own, they've been doing this every night. Nothing's changed over the years. Seungcheol found it so pure. No matter how much time passes, and how many times Chan complains about how Seungcheol is stuck in the past- still thinking that he's a child- he still likes to be tucked into bed.

"Dad.. I forgot to ask you something."

Chan looks and sounds so tired, yawning as he speaks.

"What is it?" Seungcheol says with a soft tone as he strokes Chan's hair.

"I was thinking about inviting a friend over, tomorrow, cus I don't have any classes. Can I?"

Yet another thing Seungcheol finds so precious about his "son". Although he's 24, he still feels the need to ask him.

"Of course you can. Just don't make a mess, or secretly have a party." He says jokingly.

"We need to work on your humor."

Seungcheol lightly punches Chan's arm.

"Is that what I get for making you steak so late?"

"It wasn't that late. My bedtime isn't at 9pm anymore-"

- Time skip -

[Seungcheol's POV]

Finally, I can rest..

I turned off the lights and tried to get comfortable in my bed.

I couldn't.

Ugh come on! Really?!

I sat up, resting my head back against the headboard.

I zone out, thinking about all that happened today.

[Third person POV]

He sighs as he recalls everything.

Waking up at 5am.

Soonyoung and Jihoon being upset with him.

Problems at work.

Soonyoung having to cancel all the plans he had.

Coming home late to a worried Chan.

On Valentine's Day? Really?

Although he isn't a fan of it, it still erked him that the day was ruined for his friends, as well as making Chan cry- he wanted to do something about it. He wants to make it up to them.

But before he could even think of anything, he fell asleep. All these thoughts going through his head exhausted him.

It Kinda Just- Happened, I GuessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang