Operation "Take Back What's Mine"

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[Third person POV]

"So you're telling me, that for the past.. Forever- Mingyu's been trying to take me back?"

Vernon nodded as he drove.

"I got dragged into it not too long ago. Wonwoo's been involved for way longer- since the beginning. Along with some other people."

Jeonghan looked at Vernon.

"And you knew exactly what he wanted to do?" Jeonghan asked, his voice filed with anxiety.

Vernon nodded, a solemn expression on his face. "Yeah, basically."

The sudden sound of Vernon's phone ringing broke the tension.

He took his phone from his pocket and told the older to answer.

"Vernon you better turn your car around and come back here. Jun's back in." Mingyu ordered.

Vernon sighed and said, "give me 10 minutes."

Jeonghan then hung up the phone.

"Please don't- I wanna go home. I don't want Mingyu, I moved on."

Vernon parked the black Carnival and looked at Jeonghan.

"Listen, I have no choice."

Jeonghan started to tear up.

Vernon tried to reassure him, "Mingyu may be crazy for this, but he's not gonna hurt you. Especially with Wonwoo around."

Jeonghan couldn't help but scoff at the idea that Mingyu, the man who had become unhinged at the mere sight of him, was not a threat. The irony of it all was not lost on him.

"What would Seungkwan say if he knew about this?! His own boyfriend being involved in the kidnapping of his best friend."

Vernon's eyes flicked to Jeonghan's briefly before refocusing on driving again. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said, refusing to let himself be drawn into speculation.

Jeonghan was feeling overwhelmed and emotional, and as the car lurched forward once again, he couldn't keep the tears from spilling over.

"Now's not the time to be all cool and collected and unbothered, Vernon!" he exclaimed, the words sharp with pain and fear.

"I know, I know. But what can I do? We're in too deep now," Vernon replied, his eyes fixed on the road.

Jeonghan slumped back into his seat, his mind racing.

He couldn't believe that he had been unwittingly caught up in Mingyu's twisted plan for so long.

Mingyu, his ex-boyfriend, had always been possessive and controlling, but he had never thought that Mingyu would go this far.

"How did it even come to this? Why did Mingyu want me back so badly?" Jeonghan asked, breaking the tense silence in the car.

Vernon sighed and rubbed his temples.

"It's a long story. But basically, Mingyu's been obsessed with you since you broke up with him. He's been trying to get you back for years, and when he found out that you were seeing someone else, he went crazy. He couldn't stand the thought of you being with anyone else," Vernon explained, his voice tinged with frustration.

Someone else? But I never told anyone anything....

"How did he-"

"Jun and I, occasionally Wonwoo. We're his eyes and ears."

Jeonghan's heart sank as he realized just how deep the situation was. He felt trapped and helpless, unsure of what he could do to escape Mingyu's clutches.

"And how did you know?"

Vernon glaced at Jeonghan, before focusing back on the road. "That should probably stay classified."

They were following me weren't they? For how long- oh God what the actual fuck. Creeps.

"You used Seungkwan didn't you?! You used him to get closer to me, to help Mingyu, didn't you?!"

The two were now back at the abandoned building.

"No I didn't. When I started dating Seungkwan, I wasn't even involved with the operation."

Vernon then got out of the car. "Now come on, let's go inside."

Jeonghan was shaking in fear. He didn't want to go back in there. He wanted to see his friends. He wanted to go home and never leave their side.

Vernon opened the car door for him, reaching his hand out to help him out of the car.

"Thanks," said Jeonghan, sniffling.

I want to see Kwanie, I wanna see Hao... Joshua please tell me you somehow know where I am- Kyeomie! Help me!

Jeonghan started crying again, making Vernon rub his back.

Seungcheol.. I miss you. I miss you.

Jeonghan took a deep breath and tried to compose himself as Vernon led him inside the abandoned building.

As he walked through the dark hallways, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

Jeonghan looked around the room- he could see several people sitting in the corner, their faces obscured by shadows.

"Who are they?" he asked, pointing towards the figures.

"They're just some associates of Mingyu's. Don't worry about them," Vernon said, his voice sounding strained.

"What do we do now?" he asked, feeling more desperate than ever.

"We wait," Vernon said. "Mingyu will be here soon."

Jeonghan nodded, his mind racing with thoughts and fears.

He couldn't believe that he had been so blind, so naive to the danger that had been lurking around him.

As they waited in the eerie silence, Jeonghan's mind drifted back to the times he had shared with Mingyu. He never would have guessed that it would all end up like this.

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