Professor Lee

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[Jeonghan's POV]

I looked at Joshua with annoyance. "Shuaaa~ did you really have to drag me all the way over here?"

He gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, love. I know you were looking forward to your hot chocolate, but my friend really needed a ride home. And it's not like we come to this side of town very often."

I sighed and shook my head, knowing that arguing with Joshua was pointless. "Fine, but you owe me one."

We started walking through the Sec17 university campus.

Joshua's friend worked at the university and he had always told me about him, so I was excited to finally meet him.

As we were walking, I accidentally bumped into someone.

I turned to apologize, only to see that the person was a student who had dropped his notebooks on the ground.

I help him up and Joshua picks up his notebooks for him.

God this is embarrassing.

"I'm really sorry, are you hurt?" I asked him.

He looked up at me.

"Wait- you're Yoon Jeonghan!"

I was taken aback; I didn't expect it to be recognized.

Before I could say anything, Joshua grabbed my wrist and we started running through the campus.

I looked back and saw that a group of students had recognized me and were chasing us.

It was a surreal experience, running through the campus with Joshua, as students called out my name and tried to catch up to us.

I felt a mix of fear and excitement, but mostly fear.

Finally, Joshua dragged me inside a lecture hall and closed the door behind us.

We were both panting and trying to catch our breath.


I turned to see a tall, buff-looking guy with glasses walking up to us.

He looked a bit concerned.

"Kyeom, hey," said Joshua, still out of breath. "Sorry for barging in like this, but we had a bit of an.... incident outside."

He placed his hand on Joshua's shoulder, "what kind of incident?"

I interjected, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Oh, it was nothing. Just a bunch of students chasing after us."

Joshua's friend's eyes widened.

"Wait, you're Yoon Jeonghan, right?!"

I nodded.

He seemed genuinely excited to meet me.

He introduced himself, "my name's Lee Seokmin, by the way, but you can also call me Dokyeom."

Oh so that's why Shua called him Kyeom.

"I'm a history professor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

As the both of us talked, I couldn't help but smile. He was smiling the whole time and it was contagious.

He seemed very genuine and sweet.

Joshua seemed content to let us talk, and I could see him exchanging texts with someone on his phone.

Eventually, Joshua turned to me with a smile. "Sorry for dragging you here, love."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help feeling grateful for the unexpected encounter. "It's okay, Shua. I got to meet Kyeom and have a bit of an adventure."

We had to run back to Joshua's car, but even with that, Seokmin and I kept on talking.

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