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[Third Person POV]

As Jeonghan was getting ready for the photoshoot, get kept wondering about how he'll be able to stay focused and cooperate with the director. All he was thinking about was Fae.... And how she definitely is doing all of this on purpose to mess with him.

Disliking- even hating- him is one thing, but trying to mess with his career is completely uncalled for. He knows what her true intentions are, but why she would stoop so low, he had not a clue.

He looked over to Fae, who was getting her makeup done beside him. He felt the tension and the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room; it was undeniable that the energy between them will only make things harder for them and everyone else working on the shoot.

Bringing personal problems and letting them get in the way of work- like this, at least- is probably the least mature thing a grown person can do, since it effects everyone involved.

Why can't she just punch me in the stomach and leave me alone? That'd be better than this...

Jeonghan sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror as the stylist worked in his hair.

Why do I have such bad luck with relationships? Are crazy ex's really my only fate?

He was already hurt once- well twice, by Mingyu.

He looks down at his lap, fighting back tears as he thought of letting go of his relationship with Seungcheol because of her.

Dealing with Fae and having her go through so much effort to ruin him.. Remind him of Seungcheol's past relationship.. Even him thinking about all of this right now, it's what she wants to happen. To get in his head and have him worry about all of this, instead of focusing on his photoshoots and do his best- just like any other shoot he's done in the past.

Let's get this over with...

Suddenly, Tiffany, Jeonghan's makeup artist, taps his shoulder and tells him that someone brought him coffee.

He looks slightly confused, but thanks her and takes the cup.

From Hyungwon- OH!

He smiled as he read the name on the cup. One good thing compared to everything he's been dealing with? He'll take it.

Taking a sip of the coffee, he hummed slightly, satisfied with the latte he was brought.

Jeonghan stood by Fae, on set, the stylists fixing their outfits. "Just when we thought you couldn't get prettier, Jeonghan." Jeonghan smiled, flustered by the complement. Fae, on the other hand, was burning holes in his head with how she's glaring at him.

No matter how hard she tried not to, she couldn't. She hates having to be so close to him, but it's a sacrifice she's willing to make for her and her Seungcheol's sake. She can't let some man take her spot.

He's not even that pretty! I don't know why Cheol even likes him! That faggot needs to know his place!

Both, Jeonghan and Fae had their individual shoots and now it's time for their duo shots. Which is what Jeonghan was dreading. He didn't want to be so close to her. It's not even the fact that she used to date Seungcheol. He doesn't care; he's a grown man who can look past something like that. But for her to try so hard to ruin him? That's fucking weird.

Doesn't she have a job? Friends? Family? Anyone?! How could she have so much time on her hands and so much hatred toward him? He assumes they're about the same age- late 20's- so why can't she act like it?

The first couple shots went well, but then Fae "accidentally" stepped on his foot with her heels. "Oh I'm so sorry! Silly me!" He glares at her and sits down for a minute to recover from that. She didn't press too hard, but she's wearing 6 inch heels! Shit hurts!

Once again, the next couple shots, went great, even though they had to pose so close- leaning on each other- ew. But of course, Fae had to do something. This time, as they stood side by side, their shoulders touching, she put her arm behind him and dug her long nails in the back of his neck.

It hurts like hell, but Jeonghan tried to keep a straight face. He felt her nails really dig into his skin, so much that he's sure that he's bleeding at this point.

Psycho bitch! What the fuck?!

During their break, he went to the bathroom to try and disinfect the wound.

Fae then walks in. "Well well well, that's not good." Jeonghan felt shivers up his spine at her tone and attitude. "Thanks to you," he said, trying his best to not look at her and just focus on his wound.

"Not my fault that you're all over Cheol." He wants nothing more than to strangle her to the ground. He forces a smile and looks at her in the mirror. "He's the one interested in me. I didn't ask him to do that." If this was a cartoon, their would be smoke coming out of her ears right now.

She was fuming.

Fuming to the point of her grabbing the disinfectant that Jeonghan had and pouring it all on his wound, "AH FUCK! SHIT!" She smirks and walks out the bathroom, satisfied.

That was the last straw for him. He quickly bandaged his wound and went out to look for Fae. He saw her having a snack and went up to her. "What is wrong with you?!" Everyone turned to see what was wrong. "What's wrong with you?! Coming up to me to yell at me!" It took all of him to not punch her right then and there- clenching his fists. She crossed her arms as she waited for a response.

Jeonghan knows that if he said and did what he wants to, he will be escorted off the set for the day. So to save him the time and embarrassment, he just left on his own.

Fae smirked, knowing that she's really got to his head about the whole situation, while everyone else stood in shock.

As he was leaving the building, he passed by Hyungwon and someone else sitting in the lobby. He didn't feel like staying any longer, but he wanted to thank Hyungwon for the coffee, so he went up to him.

"Hey, Hyungwon." Immediately, both men looked at him, with shock and delight. "Jeonghan, hi," Hyungwon said, standing up, towering over Jeonghan. "Just wanted to say thank you for the coffee." Hyungwon smiled to himself and chuckled slightly. "It's no problem. Thought you might need some energy for the day." The two stood there for a moment, Hyungwon's friend still sitting down, looking at the two.

After a couple minutes of small talk, Jeonghan excuses himself and leaves.

Hyungwon sits back down and gets a nudge from his friend. "Jeonghan, ey? Pretty fine," he says with a grin on his face. Hyungwon rolls his eyes. "Johnny, you do this with anyone I talk to." The two laugh it off. "Why don't you ask him out?"

Hyungwon takes a minute to think to himself. Is he interested? Yes. But is sure that he's Jeonghan's type? No.

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