Don't Ruin What We Have

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[Third person POV]

After Seungcheol came back upstairs, Jeonghan mustered up the courage to finally do something about this Fae situation.

He needs to talk to Seungcheol about this now, or nothing will ever be resolved.

The two sat down together, ready to lay all the cards on the table.

"I really never thought this would ever be a problem in any relationship I'd have in the future..." He trails off. "But... Here we are," Seungcheol sighs, looking down,tryung to avoid eye contact with the younger.

Jeonghan takes Seungcheol's hands in his, reassuring him that he's here to listen.

Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan,subconsciously smiling at the mete sight of him.

He then goes on to admit that they broke up because Fae thought he was too focused on Chan.

Seungcheol explained how he struggled to balance his responsibilities as a father figure for Chan and a relationship with her, leading to a lot of fights between the two of them.

With vulnerability in his eyes, Seungcheol continued and revealed a painful truth.

"Throughout the second half of our relationship, she..."

Jeonghan notices Seungcheol's smile completely drop. "Cheolie, you can trust me," he pulls the older into a hug.

Seungcheol squeezes Jeonghan, letting his emotions take over, seeking some sort of relief and comfort in Jeonghan.

It took Seungcheol a whole to collect himself to continue.

"We finally broke up, after a few months of her being really violent and physically and verbally abusing me..." He paused. "I actually got Kkuma around that time... She helped comfort me a lot."

Jeonghan couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He knew something was going on, but he didn't realize how bad it was. He can't even imagine what Seungcheol must be going through, knowing that Fae is back in his life.the real reason they broke up was because Fae had become abusive during their relationship.

Jeonghan didn't know what to think anymore.

But unknown to him, Fae was just getting started and she wasn't stopping any time soon.

She sent a threatening letter, warning Jeonghan that she would ruin his modeling career if he didn't stop hanging out with Seungcheol, as she wanted him all to herself.

Seungcheol wanted to tell Jeonghan,but another part of him keeps stopping him. He doesn't want to burden Jeonghan more than he already has. He wants to settle things with Fae alone.

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