Make A Run For It

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[Third person POV]

On a quiet Saturday afternoon, Jeonghan sat alone in his house, his eyes fixed on the scene outside his window.

It had been a week since the misunderstanding between him and Joshua, and although they had cleared things up, Joshua needed some time away from everything.

Jeonghan understood this and did not blame him, as he too would have done the same thing.

However, the house was now devoid of life as Seungkwan was out on a date with his boyfriend at the skatepark, and Minghao was busy with planning a spring clothing line for an upcoming magazine.

Jeonghan had no company and decided to go out for a drive to grab some cookies he had been craving.

So he put on his shoes and headed out the door.

When he got to the bakery, he realized there were no parking spots nearby, so he had to park further away.

"Great.... Now I have to walk." He sighed, getting out of his car.

Jeonghan started his walk towards the bakery, his mind on the fresh cookies that were waiting for him.

But as he got closer, he began to feel uneasy. A nagging feeling in his gut told him that something wasn't quite right.

Something in his gut told him to walk faster.

He wanted to stop and look around, but he couldn't.

With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and stepped inside the bakery.

The sweet smell of baked goods filled his nostrils, momentarily distracting him from his uneasiness.

But as he scanned the room, he noticed a man standing outside, leaning against the window.

Jeonghan's heart raced as he began to feel that the man might be waiting for him.

He tried to calm himself down, reasoning that it could just be a coincidence. But as he made his way to the counter, his eyes kept darting back to the man outside.

Jeonghan's uneasiness grew as he began to feel that the man might be waiting for him. So he decided to sit inside the bakery until he was sure that the man had left.

However, after twenty minutes, the man was still there, and Jeonghan started to panic.

What do they want? I gotta call someone.

So he dialed Seungkwan's number and waited for him to answer.

But he didn't.

He tried calling again, but it seemed like he was preoccupied.

So he called Joshua and then Minghao, but nothing. Non of them would answer his calls.

The man outside was still there, seemingly engrossed in a phone call.

Jeonghan's heart was pounding. He didn't know what to do.

He would take his chances and speed to his car, but he knew that he had no chance against him.

The man was broad and muscular.

He looked to be about Jeonghan's height, but Jeonghan wasn't bulked up like him.

He was wearing a tank top that showed off his huge biceps and black sweatpants, making him look intimidating and terrifying.

Just then, someone familiar walked up to the man outside.

Jeonghan's eyes widened as he realized that the man was Seungkwan's boyfriend.

Vernon? Why's he not with Kwanie?

Although he now had a lot of questions, he felt some sort of relief, knowing that Vernon knew the man. So he decided to just walk out to his car.

He left the bakery and got noticed by Vernon.

"Han, how are you?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Jeonghan looked at him then at the man. He had a mask on, so he couldn't make out his face.

"I'm doing fine. I thought you were with Kwanie though."

"I just dropped him off at his parents' house, they called him and asked him to help with something, I'm not sure what though."

As Vernon was talking, Jeonghan couldn't help but glance at the man standing next to his friend's boyfriend.

He had really expensive glasses on.

At least from what he could tell, they had something engraved on the side, but he couldn't make it out, it was too small for him to read from where he was standing.

Who knew prescription glasses could look so fancy.

He brushed it off and said goodbye to Vernon, waking back to his car.

Jeonghan let out a sigh of relief as he realized that there was no danger after all.

However, he couldn't help but wonder about the man with the expensive glasses.

Who was he, and why was he standing outside the bakery? He probably was just waiting for Vernon, right?

The questions lingered in his mind as he drove away, grateful to be safe and sound.

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