Unwanted Encounters

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[Third person POV]

Seungcheol and Jeonghan strolled hand in hand through the park- One of their favorite spots for their secret "dates" together; a calm couple hours, where they can just enjoy the breeze and each other's company.

They sat down on a bench, nearby, talking, as they enjoy the warm summer sun.

Today wasn't extremely hot and it felt just perfect for both of them.

They felt free from the weight of their individual responsibilities, savoring this stolen moment together.

However, their peaceful afternoon was interrupted.

From the corner of his eye, Seungcheol spotted Fae, approaching them. He felt a pang of anxiety, uncertain of how she would react to seeing him with Jeonghan.

Seungcheol never really told anyone why him and Fae broke up, only the two of them knew.

It took a while for Seungcheol to even muster up the courage to break things off with her, since he felt completely trapped with her.

No one but him knew about what was happening behind the scenes.

Fae wasn't as sweet as she presented herself to be and Seungcheol had to endure it.

He didn't think he'd ever see her again, after graduation, and he was relieved but..

I have to be dreaming- there's no way..

Fae strutted towards them with a hint of arrogance. She wore a smug smile. "Well, well, well, look who we have here," she snickered, eyeing Seungcheol and Jeonghan with disdain. "I found you,Cheolie. And who's this pretty boy? I hope he knows you're nothing but an asshole."

Seungcheol wanted nothing more than throw her off a cliff. He doesn't know how or why she's here, but it doesn't matter, because he knows that, now, all she's gonna try and do is ruin his "date".

He wanted to tell at her, but remained calm. "What a surprise, Fae. What're you doing here?" He asked as he stood up.

Jeonghan felt out of place. He didn't know if he should interject or not, but ultimately decided to just stay quiet.

His gaze shiftes from Fae to Seungcheol,then Seungcheol to Fae. He's confused,to say the least.

Fae crosses her arms and ignored Seungcheol's question, looking over at Jeonghan. "Oh wait, don't tell me that this guy is the reason you didn't call me back after we went to Jihoon's house?" she asked.

Seungcheol rested his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder. "If you're only here to try and fuck with me, then leave. I don't have time for you or your bullshit, Fae." He tightened his grip on Jeonghan's shoulder, slightly. "I have better things to do, than to sit around and listen to another word coming out of your mouth."

Fae huffed in frustration. "Fine, have it your way," she muttered dismissively. "But just a warning," she looked over at Jeonghan. "He'll end up leaving you like you never meant anything to him. When he's bored, he won't give a fuck." With that, Fae stormed off, not sparing a goance at Seungcheol.

Jeonghan sat there, watching Fae as she disappears in the distance. Her words repeating in his head.

It can't be true... Can it?

Jeonghan felt conflicted. He obviously hadn't known Seungcheol for that long, but he feels safe with him. He feels like Seungcheol has shown him nothing but honesty and care, even before developing feelings for him.

But what Fae said could be true, at least in the past. Seungcheol could've been what she said, but he seemed to have changed and progressed as a person, if that's the case.

Seungcheol sat beside Jeonghan. "Sorry about that. I-"

"Forget about it," Jeonghan smiled at the older. "Let's just enjoy ourselves, cus I have to leave soon."

- Time skip -

Later that evening, as Scoups settled back into the comfort of his home, his thoughts lingered on the encounter with Fae.

That bitch went over to Jihoon's?!

Seungcheol decided to call him. He dialed his number, waiting patiently for his friend to pick up.

To Seungcheol's surprise- not really, Soonyoung answered the call instead. "Hey, Cheol! Jihoon's busy at the moment, but I'm here. What's up?"

Seungcheol was about to just tell Soonyoung that he'll call back, but he felt too frustrated at the moment to wait for Jihoon.

With slight hesitation, he decided to just tell Soonyoung. "Soon, you won't believe what happened earlier. I ran into Fae at the park," he began, his tone filled with exasperation.

Soonyoung cleared his throat, then said, "well... It's not that unbelievable."

Seungcheol stopped pacing around and looked confused. "What do you mean? I haven't seen that bitch in years!"

Seungcheol could feel that Soonyoung wasn't telling him something. "What do you know that I don't?"

With a sigh, Soonyoung answered, "she came over, with her brother, a while back, asking about you."

Soon was there too?

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